Weekly Impact 11/10/2022

Thank You!
Thank you to those who were able to show up for our workday. It is no fun to have to do some of the things we need done, but they are essential to making our facilities better.
Thanksgiving Outreach
This year we are doing things a little bit differently. We are still having our meal, but it will be prepared by a group of volunteers from all over Jonesboro. We do need your help! There WILL be plenty of food and things for us to help with November 19th. We need people to help with parking, directing people to the correct place, trash and clean-up, gospel sharing, meal delivery, plate preparation, and prayer. Please plan to show up and help serve our community. Also, we are partnering with a few of the Nettleton schools in order to reach families in need during the holidays. We have asked a few small groups to help with thanksgiving meals, but if you would like to help you can bring a bag of Thanksgiving nonperishables and a gift card for a turkey for these families.  Contact the office for the list of items if you need one. We plan to do this collectively (like we do each year) leading up to Christmas break.
We will be collecting the items for the Thanksgiving meal distribution on November 16th. 
Upcoming events:
November 16- Thanksgiving bags due
November 19- Thanksgiving Outreach
 Nov 27- Deck the Halls
December 7- Last night of Wednesday programs for the year
December 11- Children's Christmas Program
December 25- Christmas service 10am
January 1- New Years service 10am

Clothes Closet Needs: Blankets and Throws are essential through the winter months.



