Weekly Impact 12/08/2022

Christ Is Born

This December I hope you will take some time to slow down and recognize the impact of the birth of Jesus on your life specifically. The way God has chosen to get you to Him is through a baby born into the world in what seemed like poverty. But, all the wealth in the world could never have paid for the gifts Jesus offers you. This life isn't promised to you in comfort, health, wealth, or ease. However,  we will have trouble. Jesus told us, " I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world. " Jesus came into the world with nothing worldly and left it the same. There is nothing here for you, except that which Jesus offers, as when He told his followers, "Come to me and I will give you rest."  Lets take a look at Jesus through the eyes of those who would have heard Him say these things. Their perspective came from knowing the prophecies from the Old Testament. Rest in Jesus together this season and cease striving. Join us on Sundays in December to see Christ revealed in this way.
Christmas program

Temple Kids have been working very hard to learn about the birth of Jesus and bring it to us in a creative way. We will get to experience all that they have learned on December 11th at 5pm. I hope you will all join us and invite your friends and neighbors. If your child is in the program they need to be here by 4:30pm wearing Christmas pajamas. 
Holiday Services at 10am

This year Christmas and New Years are on Sundays! This gives us a unique opportunity to make these days even more meaningful. We will meet for 1 hour at 10am both days. Come with your family and let them be a part of your church family for this special day together Christmas morning.
New Years Day we will start the year by taking communion together in obedience to Christ as we remember the bodily sacrifice He mad for us.
Outreach Opportunity
We are investing in our community through Nettleton schools this year. There have been 125 families identified as in need of help this season. Currently we are 80 bags short. If you are able, would you consider helping feed these families? The bags are due December 11th. We will need some help gathering and delivering the bags on December 14th if you are able to serve those in need in that way. 
Gift For The Savior
This year would you prayerfully consider giving towards the ministries at Temple?  December 18th is the day we will all come together and bring the gift we have decided in our hearts to give.
Upcoming events:

December 11- Temple Kids Christmas Program 5pm

December 11- Bring meals for families in need

December 25- Christmas service 10am

January 1- New Years service 10am

Clothes Closet Needs Blankets and Throws are essential through the winter months.



