Weekly Impact 12/15/22

Christmas is coming.    
 "Behold, I am going to send My messenger, and he will clear the way before Me. And the Lord, whom you seek, will suddenly come to His temple; and the messenger of the covenant in whom you delight, behold, He is coming," says the Lord of hosts. Malachi 3:1
      Join us this Sunday as we see the way prepared for Jesus. The day we are all so excited to celebrate together is worth celebrating each day. Christmas is coming. Come be with your church family as we continue to be disciples of Jesus. 
Thank you!
Thank you to all who were a part of making the children's Christmas program such a success. The kids learned the story of the birth of Jesus, and some even by heart. Thank you to all of our volunteers who care so deeply about teaching our kids the truth of the scriptures. We also saw several new people come in! We want to be a church where all who walk through those door know how welcome they are here, and I think we did a good job of welcoming them. 
Holiday Services at 10am

This year Christmas and New Years are on Sundays! This gives us a unique opportunity to make these days even more meaningful. We will meet for 1 hour at 10am both days. Come with your family and let them be a part of your church family for this special day together Christmas morning.

New Years Day we will start the year by taking communion together in obedience to Christ as we remember the bodily sacrifice He mad for us.
Gift For The Savior

This year would you prayerfully consider giving towards the ministries at Temple?  December 18th is the day we will all come together and bring the gift we have decided in our hearts to give.
Upcoming events:

December 18- Gift For The Savior, Children's Christmas party 10:30am

December 25- Christmas service 10am

December 31- NYE party 7th-12th grade. 7pm-3am

January 1- New Years service 10am

Clothes Closet needs are blankets, throws, and coats.



