Weekly Impact 12/29/2022

2023 is almost here.
The new year is a time for reflection, assessment, and planning. We all come to this point each year and look at what we did well, what we did poorly, and what we can improve on in the coming year. This is a great thing for us to do as followers of Jesus in a culture that is not radiant with the love of Christ, but is often a network of domination and manipulation in which we all have the potential to lose our own souls. I hope you will all take some time to yourselves for this type of reflection. Let's look forward together this year as we take another step in faith towards the what God has prepared for us in advance to accomplish. May we not just do what God is calling us to do, but may we become the people God is molding us into as we pursue Him. 
New Series
January 8th we will begin a new series titled: In Pursuit Of A More Intimate Relationship With Jesus. I hope you will be here and bring those you care about to hear more. Jesus desires nearness to you. He is using creation, people, the Holy Spirit, the Bible, and  other things to draw you to himself. 
Wednesday Nights
We are starting up our Wednesday night classes again! We will have 3 new classes to rotate through. The habits of Jesus are essential to our lives in pursuit of God. I hope you will consider being a part of your church as we learn to practice these habits together. 
Upcoming events:

December 31- NYE party 7th-12th grade. 7pm-3am $20/person Drop off at Temple

January 1- New Years Day service 10am: Communion

January 4- Wednesday nights together 

February 1- Adult Wednesday night classes begin

Clothes Closet needs are like new blankets, throws, and
coats. You can drop those off at our clothes closet in gym on Sundays and Wednesdays.



