Ridiculous Faith
Have you ever seen someone attempt a feat that seemed ridiculous to you? Something so risky that you thought “why would anyone try that?” Maybe something like skydiving comes to mind, or bungy jumping off of a bridge, or cliff diving. Sometimes we admire those who are willing to try these crazy stunts, other times we just think they are “Crazy”. Whatever the case, something about what they are attempting catches our attention.
Just recently someone told me about Wingsuit Flying where you put on a suit that has bat style wings on each side when you spread your arms out wide. You then jump out of a plane or helicopter, or off a ledge, and allow the wings to give you the ability to guide you through the air at incredible speeds until it is time to pull the ripcord in preparation for landing. That seems crazy to me! As I watched the video it made me realize that these people put incredible amounts of faith in the suit that they trust to allow them to fly. Skydivers put a tremendous amount of faith in their parachutes opening. Bungy jumpers are putting a lot of faith in a cord to not snap, and to be the right length to keep them from smashing their head on the ground below.
All of this makes me think of people in Scripture who showed what could be called “Ridiculous Faith” in God as they attempted things like: a teenager fighting a skilled and trained giant, a King’s son and his armor bearer taking on an entire army, a man willing to step out of a boat in the middle of a body of water believing he could walk on top of the water. As you think back through these stories, doesn’t it make you read in unbelief at the faith these people had to trust God for things beyond their own ability?
This summer we will be “diving” into some of these stories to see where this faith comes from as we look to strengthen our faith to believe God for greater things in our lives!
Just recently someone told me about Wingsuit Flying where you put on a suit that has bat style wings on each side when you spread your arms out wide. You then jump out of a plane or helicopter, or off a ledge, and allow the wings to give you the ability to guide you through the air at incredible speeds until it is time to pull the ripcord in preparation for landing. That seems crazy to me! As I watched the video it made me realize that these people put incredible amounts of faith in the suit that they trust to allow them to fly. Skydivers put a tremendous amount of faith in their parachutes opening. Bungy jumpers are putting a lot of faith in a cord to not snap, and to be the right length to keep them from smashing their head on the ground below.
All of this makes me think of people in Scripture who showed what could be called “Ridiculous Faith” in God as they attempted things like: a teenager fighting a skilled and trained giant, a King’s son and his armor bearer taking on an entire army, a man willing to step out of a boat in the middle of a body of water believing he could walk on top of the water. As you think back through these stories, doesn’t it make you read in unbelief at the faith these people had to trust God for things beyond their own ability?
This summer we will be “diving” into some of these stories to see where this faith comes from as we look to strengthen our faith to believe God for greater things in our lives!