1. To be a part of the game, you must follow the rules.
2. The game is based on the honor system. Be a good sport or you will be removed from the game.
3. No tag backs. Doesn't need to be said, it's just implied.
4. You can only tag others during the TAG season.
5. The TAG season comes once a year.
6. The season starts at midnight leading into the designated TAG month and ends at midnight leading into the next month.
7. When you get tagged it does not have to be announced publicly.
8. However, if you're asked directly by another player if you are "it" you must respond truthfully without hesitation. If you lie or hesitate, the tag you would give to anyone present is void and could, in extreme cases, result in your expulsion from the game.
9. Any sort of physical touch from the person who is "it" to someone who isn't does count as a tag. That being said, "it" stealing is not allowed. This means if you aren't trying to touch someone and they bump you just to steal the tag, this doesn't count.
2. The game is based on the honor system. Be a good sport or you will be removed from the game.
3. No tag backs. Doesn't need to be said, it's just implied.
4. You can only tag others during the TAG season.
5. The TAG season comes once a year.
6. The season starts at midnight leading into the designated TAG month and ends at midnight leading into the next month.
7. When you get tagged it does not have to be announced publicly.
8. However, if you're asked directly by another player if you are "it" you must respond truthfully without hesitation. If you lie or hesitate, the tag you would give to anyone present is void and could, in extreme cases, result in your expulsion from the game.
9. Any sort of physical touch from the person who is "it" to someone who isn't does count as a tag. That being said, "it" stealing is not allowed. This means if you aren't trying to touch someone and they bump you just to steal the tag, this doesn't count.
You're only allowed to TAG people in your group
Jaylon Selvy
Abby Staples
Mayzee Coots
Jase Maddix
Tyler Morgan
Eli Irvin
Jessica Martin
Ashley Morgan
Conner Barnes
Jonathan Martin
Cole Morgan
Cameron Sailor
Paul Coffman
Bri Brown
Ariel Coots
Jaylon Selvy
Abby Staples
Mayzee Coots
Jase Maddix
Tyler Morgan
Eli Irvin
Jessica Martin
Ashley Morgan
Conner Barnes
Jonathan Martin
Cole Morgan
Cameron Sailor
Paul Coffman
Bri Brown
Ariel Coots