Weekly Impact 11/09/2023
by Jonathan Martin on November 9th, 2023
SundayJesus told some hard truths to his followers, and to the religious elite of his day. I find that when it comes to knowing Jesus, there are no experts. We are all humbled in light of who He is and how He loves. The Pharisees thought they were the experts, and in the eyes of the world they were. God deals in His own ways and they are not our ways. They are much higher. Might we come this Sunda... Read More
Weekly Impact 11/02/2023
by Jonathan Martin on November 2nd, 2023
SundayLast Sunday we had our family service, and it was incredible. Of course it was loud and somewhat rowdy in there with all of our kids, but being together for the purpose of worshiping Jesus is a beautiful thing. This Sunday we are back to 2 services at 9am and 10:30am. Come be with us as we continue our journey through the gospel of Mark. Women's Ministry at TempleTonight, November 2, we will... Read More
Weekly Impact 10/26/2023
by Jonathan Martin on October 26th, 2023
SundayThis Sunday we will be continuing through the book of Mark. Last Sunday we were able to begin discerning from the scriptures what is going on in the Middle East right now.We will have 1 service at 10:30am. There are no children's classes or nursery, as we have a family service every 5th Sunday. Also, there is a meal just after the service down in the gym. Fall Festival Success!Thank you all ... Read More
Weekly Impact 10/19/2023
by Jonathan Martin on October 19th, 2023
SundayLast week we learned the secret to true fulfillment in this life is a life following Jesus, and letting go of anything that might hinder that relationship.Mark 10:21Jesus looked at him and loved him. “One thing you lack,” he said. “Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”This Sunday we will discuss the events in Israel a... Read More
Weekly Impact 10/12/2023
by Jonathan Martin on October 12th, 2023
SundayThis Sunday we start talking through how Jesus affects all of your life. Come be with us and bring someone who needs a church family with you! Jesus is often just a sidetone in the daily life of the average church goer. But, the Lord of the universe has come down to rescue you from sin and death. He is the central focal point of all of history. We must have Him at the center of all of our li... Read More
Weekly Impact 10/05/2023
by Jonathan Martin on October 5th, 2023
SundayThis Sunday we will gather together to celebrate what Jesus has done for us, and what he is doing in us. Won't you invite someone to be with you this Sunday? Fall FestivalWe will be having our second annual Fall Festival on Wednesday night October 25th! We need you all to start bringing candy that we can give out to those who show up to be with us that night. Plan be there and invite your ne... Read More
Weekly Impact 09/28/2023
by Jonathan Martin on September 30th, 2023
Fall FestivalWe will be having our second annual Fall Festival on Wednesday night October 29th! We need you all to start bringing candy that we can give out to those who show up to be with us that night. Plan be there and invite your neighbors. We will have bounce houses and several carnival games for kids of all ages. Wednesday NightsEvery Wednesday night our church family grows. We are inviting ... Read More
Weekly Impact 09/21/2023
by Jonathan Martin on September 21st, 2023
Men's MinistryTuesday night was Incredible! We were able to be together with the men of Temple and some from other churches. We had an encouraging amount of men show up willing to share their lives with each other. I am excited about the future of our men's ministry here at Temple and in the rest of Jonesboro! God seems to be calling out his sons to walk in the light, and stand in the gap for thei... Read More
Weekly Impact 08/14/2023
by Jonathan Martin on September 14th, 2023
SundayThis Sunday we will continue talking about the peace from the Lord that surpasses understanding. Won't you continue to bring people to be with you this Sunday? Wednesday NightsWednesday nights are back for everyone! We have just started 2 new 6 week long Adult classes: 1. Kingdom marriage and, 2. Evangelism: how to share your faith. This week will be the 3rd week. Everything starts at 6:30pm... Read More
Weekly Impact 09/07/2023
by Jonathan Martin on September 7th, 2023
SundayDo you ever wonder where all this peace that is promised went? This Sunday we will begin a new 3 week series on how we find peace, and the first place we will discuss is in prayer and praise. Invite someone to be with you this weekend. Wednesday NightsWednesday nights are back for everyone! Last night was incredible! The Mix had a great turn out for game night. Our Middle School Ministry and... Read More
Weekly Impact 08/31/2023
by Jonathan Martin on August 31st, 2023
Labor Day Weekend!!This weekend we will have one service at 9am. If you are in town come worship with us at the early service and spend the rest of the weekend with your family. This Sunday is the perfect time to invite someone to be with you as you engage in singing, praying, and learning the scriptures as worship with your church family. Since we know that we need to be in community with other b... Read More
Weekly Impact 08/24/2023
by Jonathan Martin on August 24th, 2023
SundayThis Sunday we are still on our intermission from the gospel of Mark. We will be talking through the importance of what you say. Invite someone to be with you. The MixThis is our ministry for kids in 7th-12th grade. Our goal is to see these kids come to know and walk closely with Jesus. We do this through small groups and preaching on Wednesday nights from 6p-8p. We also have food each time.... Read More