Weekly Impact 02/08/2024

This Sunday we will continue our talk in Romans 8. Last week we went into the first 8 verses. As Paul finished out chapter he took us into a powerful statement of freedom that we as people in-dwelt by the Spirit of Christ walk in. This is incredible news for us! It is the gospel. Would you invite someone to be with you this week?
Women's Ministry
Monday night went extremely well! Thank you to all who showed up to care for oner another in world that is constantly combatting the gospel of Jesus. Henri Nouwen wrote in his book The Way Of The Heart "Our society is not a community radiant with the love of Christ, but a dangerous network of domination and manipulation in which we can easily get entangled and lose our soul." In order to combat this we must find Jesus in solitude, and be authentic with one another in a community that is becoming radiant with the love of Jesus. Thank you to the leadership team for your hard work to bring to fruition a support system God is using to transform the women and ultimately the families of our church and community!
Wednesday Nights
Our Wednesday night activities are are back for our 4th week of our new classes this coming Wednesday night! We have 3 adult classes: The Case For Christ,A Study Of Galatians, and Prayer That Changes You. Come learn something new and help others around you as they learn. We ought always to be learning. When we start thinking we have no more we can learn, we are effectually functioning internally as gods.
Big Daddy Weave Concert
We are hosting a Christian concert here in Jonesboro, AR. General admission tickets are $25. We need volunteers to help! Also, the first person to contact the church office and speak to someone after seeing this, will get 2 free tickets.
Upcoming Events

Youth Chocolate Covered Strawberry Fundraiser: Orders need to be in today! Pick-up will be February 10th 2:30pm-3:30pm.

March 20: Big Daddy Weave Concert at JHS Performing Arts Building
March 18-22: Spring Break
March 25-26: Church Directory Photos
Church Directory
We will be creating a new picture directory for Temple in March. If you would like to be a part of this you may sign up this month. The dates to take the photos are March 25-26.



