Weekly Impact 09/21/2023
Men's Ministry
Tuesday night was Incredible! We were able to be together with the men of Temple and some from other churches. We had an encouraging amount of men show up willing to share their lives with each other. I am excited about the future of our men's ministry here at Temple and in the rest of Jonesboro! God seems to be calling out his sons to walk in the light, and stand in the gap for their families and other men. We meet again this Friday morning at 6am to talk through next steps. What could God do with our community if Christ following men band together for sake of the kingdom?
Tuesday night was Incredible! We were able to be together with the men of Temple and some from other churches. We had an encouraging amount of men show up willing to share their lives with each other. I am excited about the future of our men's ministry here at Temple and in the rest of Jonesboro! God seems to be calling out his sons to walk in the light, and stand in the gap for their families and other men. We meet again this Friday morning at 6am to talk through next steps. What could God do with our community if Christ following men band together for sake of the kingdom?
Do you ever feel like your prayers are inadequate? I do. This Sunday we will discuss the intentions of our prayers, and God's intentions in our lives. Invite someone to be with you this week.
Do you ever feel like your prayers are inadequate? I do. This Sunday we will discuss the intentions of our prayers, and God's intentions in our lives. Invite someone to be with you this week.
Wednesday Nights
Every Wednesday night our church family grows. We are inviting you all in to learn more and more about what God has for your life. God has designed you on purpose, with a good purpose in mind. Come and learn about the different facets of our lives that God wants to move within.
We have just started 2 new 6 week long Adult classes: 1. Kingdom marriage and, 2. Evangelism: how to share your faith. This week will be the 4th week.
Everything starts at 6:30pm, so invite someone to be with you on Wednesday nights at Temple, where there is something for everyone.
Every Wednesday night our church family grows. We are inviting you all in to learn more and more about what God has for your life. God has designed you on purpose, with a good purpose in mind. Come and learn about the different facets of our lives that God wants to move within.
We have just started 2 new 6 week long Adult classes: 1. Kingdom marriage and, 2. Evangelism: how to share your faith. This week will be the 4th week.
Everything starts at 6:30pm, so invite someone to be with you on Wednesday nights at Temple, where there is something for everyone.
Small Groups
This month we will be inviting anyone who is not in a small group to try one out. If that is you, you can go to our website or download our app, templejonesboro, to find a description of our groups and sign up to try one.
This month we will be inviting anyone who is not in a small group to try one out. If that is you, you can go to our website or download our app, templejonesboro, to find a description of our groups and sign up to try one.
Upcoming Events:
October: Women's Ministry Kick-off
November 12: Temple Chili Supper Outreach is back!!
November 18: Community Thanksgiving Outreach
October: Women's Ministry Kick-off
November 12: Temple Chili Supper Outreach is back!!
November 18: Community Thanksgiving Outreach