Weekly Impact 11/09/2023
Jesus told some hard truths to his followers, and to the religious elite of his day. I find that when it comes to knowing Jesus, there are no experts. We are all humbled in light of who He is and how He loves. The Pharisees thought they were the experts, and in the eyes of the world they were. God deals in His own ways and they are not our ways. They are much higher. Might we come this Sunday with humble hearts ready to experience His love and His truth, which always coincide. Invite someone to be with you this Sunday.
Jesus told some hard truths to his followers, and to the religious elite of his day. I find that when it comes to knowing Jesus, there are no experts. We are all humbled in light of who He is and how He loves. The Pharisees thought they were the experts, and in the eyes of the world they were. God deals in His own ways and they are not our ways. They are much higher. Might we come this Sunday with humble hearts ready to experience His love and His truth, which always coincide. Invite someone to be with you this Sunday.
Thanksgiving Outreach
November 19th we will have our Thanksgiving Chili Supper Outreach! We need your participation in bringing groceries to give away at this event to the people who need it most. We have the privilege of hosting our community and feeding hungry people. Be there , and see what God might do in your life as you engage Jonesboro with the gospel.
The list of what to bring is as follows:
2 cans of green beans, 1 large can of sweet potatoes, 2 cans of corn, 1 can of cranberry sauce, 1 box of potatoes, and 1 box of mac and cheese.
You may bring these items from now until November 19th.
November 19th we will have our Thanksgiving Chili Supper Outreach! We need your participation in bringing groceries to give away at this event to the people who need it most. We have the privilege of hosting our community and feeding hungry people. Be there , and see what God might do in your life as you engage Jonesboro with the gospel.
The list of what to bring is as follows:
2 cans of green beans, 1 large can of sweet potatoes, 2 cans of corn, 1 can of cranberry sauce, 1 box of potatoes, and 1 box of mac and cheese.
You may bring these items from now until November 19th.
Community Outreach
There is a community outreach happening in our building this Saturday, November 11th. The meal will be served here beginning at 11 and ending at 2. Invite anyone you know that may be in need of a meal this weekend. You can come eat, help, or just hang out if you want to.
There is a community outreach happening in our building this Saturday, November 11th. The meal will be served here beginning at 11 and ending at 2. Invite anyone you know that may be in need of a meal this weekend. You can come eat, help, or just hang out if you want to.
Wednesday Nights
Every Wednesday night our church family grows. We are inviting you all in to learn more and more about what God has for your life. God has designed you on purpose, with a good purpose in mind. Come and learn about the different facets of our lives that God wants to move within.
We have just started 2 new 6 week long Adult classes: 1. Kingdom marriage and, 2. Evangelism: how to share your faith. This week will be the 3rd week of our 2nd rotation! It is a great time to begin with us.
Everything starts at 6:30pm, so invite someone to be with you on Wednesday nights at Temple, where there is something for everyone.
Every Wednesday night our church family grows. We are inviting you all in to learn more and more about what God has for your life. God has designed you on purpose, with a good purpose in mind. Come and learn about the different facets of our lives that God wants to move within.
We have just started 2 new 6 week long Adult classes: 1. Kingdom marriage and, 2. Evangelism: how to share your faith. This week will be the 3rd week of our 2nd rotation! It is a great time to begin with us.
Everything starts at 6:30pm, so invite someone to be with you on Wednesday nights at Temple, where there is something for everyone.
Upcoming Events:
November 12: Community Meal
November 19: Temple Chili Supper Outreach is back!!
November 26: Christmas Decorating Party, Members Meeting
November 12: Community Meal
November 19: Temple Chili Supper Outreach is back!!
November 26: Christmas Decorating Party, Members Meeting