Weekly Impact 07/04/2024

Invite someone to be with you this Sunday. We got to encounter the truth of James 3 last week. Seeking Godly wisdom brings righteousness and peace. We were reminded of our dependence on a loving omniscient God. He will guide you into all truth. This Sunday we will discuss what it looks like to engage the political realm from a Biblical perspective. 
VBS is coming up! Sign up is live on the website and in the app. We need volunteers and for you to invite the children of your friends, family, and neighbors who need Jesus. If you have availability and have worked in VBS before please sign up! We will begin decorating July 15th. VBS will begin July 21st and go through July 24th.
Zambia Trip
We have a team of 6 going to Africa this summer. Be in prayer for them as they prepare to encounter new things in a beautiful place with the beautiful people of Zambia.
Upcoming Events
July 8-19: Zambia Trip
July 21-24: VBS
August 29: Temple Family Night



