Weekly Impact 02/23/2023

National Collegiate Day Of Prayer 

Today is February 23 and it is the day our nation is praying for our college campuses. This evening at 5:30p there is a prayer gathering at Arkansas State University in front of the Student Union for this purpose. Would you consider going? Would you stop and pray that the students at ASU would see Jesus for who He is and find faith in Him for the first time. May God do big things tonight in our country.
Relentless Pursuit
What are you chasing? Anything? Well, God is relentlessly pursuing you. Sometimes we run from His pursuit unknowingly. We pursue things that aren't necessarily evil, yet they are far from the places God wants to take you. This Sunday would you show up ready to allow yourself to be pursued by love. God is love.
Wednesday Nights
This week we continued our classes on the spiritual disciplines! We are praying these classes will help you in making space for the movement of God in your life. Would you consider leaving room for God to do something you didn't expect? These disciplines help us see the world in a new way as we are constantly changing in the midst of a chaotic world. Join us on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm.
Upcoming Events

February 19 - Join us for worship.

February 22 - Wednesday night activities continue. Our Spring Adult classes continue.

February 26 - BMA World Missions Day

Clothes Closet needs are imperative right now. We need like new clothes of all sizes and genders. You can drop those off at our clothes closet in gym on Sundays and Wednesdays. Please consider donating.
Thank You

Thank you to all of you that have continued to be faithful to your church family. God is moving in our church in big ways. We are seeing excitement for living out the gospel in our small groups. We had a new small group begin at the end of last year. We have more and more people who have a desire to disciple and be discipled. If this is you, and you haven't reached out, please do. We exist to glorify God by fulfilling the great commission through our own personal journeys with Jesus in connection to other believers in the local church. If you aren't a part of a small group and are interested please let us know and we can get you connected to a group.



