Weekly Impact 03/23/2023
Ashes To Ashes
Where is your treasure? What do you put your hope in? Where do you find satisfaction? Ecclesiastes is an extensive work on the meaning of life. Invite someone to be with you this Sunday as we engage with the scriptures in order to find the heart of God and His purposes for our lives.
Where is your treasure? What do you put your hope in? Where do you find satisfaction? Ecclesiastes is an extensive work on the meaning of life. Invite someone to be with you this Sunday as we engage with the scriptures in order to find the heart of God and His purposes for our lives.
Upcoming Events
March31- April 1- DNOW2k23
April 1st- Women’s event at Central beginning at 9am
Contact our church office to get seats together with others from Temple. 870-935-7250
April 8- Fireworks Show
April 9- Easter Sunday
Zambia trip: June 5-16. Begin praying for this trip. If you want more information about going, please see Pastor Andy. We are also raising money in order to buy shoes for the children there in that area. They are $20/pair. We would like to raise $2000 in order to purchase 100 pairs of shoes. We have already raised enough money to buy 20 pairs!! Check out this link to help out.
Easter is 3 Sundays away. Who are you inviting to join you that Sunday?
Next steps… next class begins April 16th at 9am and goes through Sunday May 14th (meets every Sunday)
Options on Main fundraiser
If anyone visits Texas Roadhouse for dine-in or carry out on Tuesday, March 28th between 3-10PM and shows their server the attached flyer either in print or on their phone, 10% of their bill will be donated to Options on Main!

March31- April 1- DNOW2k23
April 1st- Women’s event at Central beginning at 9am
Contact our church office to get seats together with others from Temple. 870-935-7250
April 8- Fireworks Show
April 9- Easter Sunday
Zambia trip: June 5-16. Begin praying for this trip. If you want more information about going, please see Pastor Andy. We are also raising money in order to buy shoes for the children there in that area. They are $20/pair. We would like to raise $2000 in order to purchase 100 pairs of shoes. We have already raised enough money to buy 20 pairs!! Check out this link to help out.
Easter is 3 Sundays away. Who are you inviting to join you that Sunday?
Next steps… next class begins April 16th at 9am and goes through Sunday May 14th (meets every Sunday)
Options on Main fundraiser
If anyone visits Texas Roadhouse for dine-in or carry out on Tuesday, March 28th between 3-10PM and shows their server the attached flyer either in print or on their phone, 10% of their bill will be donated to Options on Main!

Clothes Closet needs are imperative right now. We need like new clothes of all sizes and genders. You can drop those off at our clothes closet in gym on Sundays and Wednesdays. Please consider donating. Thank you to all of you who have begun donating!