Weekly Impact 04/13/2023

What's God Got To Do With It?
If you catch yourself wondering how involved  God really is in the world, then this week is for you. God is the reason everything exists. In the beginning was God.
Zambia trip: June 5-16. Begin praying for this trip. If you want more information about going, please see Pastor Andy. We have been raising money in order to buy shoes for the children there in that area. We have already raised enough money to buy 100 pairs!!
Upcoming Events:

April 16: Next Steps members class begins

College (Mosaic) Retreat: May 15-19

Kids Camp: June 11-15

VBS: July 23-26

Next steps… next class begins April 16th at 9am and goes through Sunday May 14th (meets every Sunday) This class is for anyone thinking of joining the church.

Clothes Closet needs are imperative right now. We need like new clothes of all sizes and genders. You can drop those off at our clothes closet in gym on Sundays and Wednesdays. Please consider donating. Thank you to all of you who have begun donating!



