Weekly Impact 1/19/23

In Pursuit
This month we have been pursuing God through the practice of fasting. If you have not yet begun  to practice this habit, I would encourage you to come have a conversation with us here at the church building. We would love to talk with you about the habits we all choose. Invite someone to come with you this week to hear what God is doing in Jonesboro through our church. Last week we discussed the contextual truths of Revelation 3:20. You can watch this sermon through our app and catch up with the rest of your church family. God has been moving in and through His people here. Won't you come be a part of it? This week we will explore the idea of true repentance through a broken and contrite heart as our sin devastates our own souls.
Wednesday nights

Throughout the month of January we  invite all of you to be a part of our corporate spiritual practice teaching. All of our classes will be together for this month only. Next month we will move back into our rotations. We are excited to continue in the process of making disciples as we learn what the Bible says about fasting. We are looking through the scriptures to see what fasting is all about. I hope you will be a part of the growth here at Temple. This week we talked about the power of fasting as it pertains to the fruit of the Spirit in our lives and the lives of those around us.
Thank You

Thank you to all of you that have continued to be faithful to your church family. God is moving in our church in big ways. We are seeing excitement for living out the gospel in our small groups. We had a new small group begin at the end of last year. We have more and more people who have a desire to disciple and be discipled. If this is you, and you haven't reached out, please do. We exist to glorify God by fulfilling the great commission through our own personal journeys with Jesus in connection to other believers in the local church. If you aren't a part of a small group and are interested please let us know and we can get you connected to a group.
Please continue to pray for the Becker family.

Upcoming Events

January 25- Wednesday nights together continues

January 27- Silver Strands Lunch at Golden Corral

Sunday January 29- Family Service

February 1- Adult Wednesday night class rotations continue...

February 5- Family Feast

Clothes Closet needs are like new blankets, throws, and coats. You can drop those off at our clothes closet in gym on Sundays and Wednesdays.



