Weekly Impact 09/07/2023
Do you ever wonder where all this peace that is promised went?
This Sunday we will begin a new 3 week series on how we find peace, and the first place we will discuss is in prayer and praise. Invite someone to be with you this weekend.
Do you ever wonder where all this peace that is promised went?
This Sunday we will begin a new 3 week series on how we find peace, and the first place we will discuss is in prayer and praise. Invite someone to be with you this weekend.
Wednesday Nights
Wednesday nights are back for everyone! Last night was incredible! The Mix had a great turn out for game night. Our Middle School Ministry and our Temple Kids Ministry had a great time with a few new volunteers. We started 2 new 6 week long Adult classes: 1. Kingdom marriage and, 2. Evangelism: how to share your faith.
Everything starts at 6:30pm, so invite someone to be with you on Wednesday nights at Temple, where there is something for everyone.
Wednesday nights are back for everyone! Last night was incredible! The Mix had a great turn out for game night. Our Middle School Ministry and our Temple Kids Ministry had a great time with a few new volunteers. We started 2 new 6 week long Adult classes: 1. Kingdom marriage and, 2. Evangelism: how to share your faith.
Everything starts at 6:30pm, so invite someone to be with you on Wednesday nights at Temple, where there is something for everyone.
Small Groups
Next month we will be inviting anyone who is not in a small group to try one out. If that is you, you can go to our website or download our app, templejonesboro, to find a description of our groups and sign up to try one.
Next month we will be inviting anyone who is not in a small group to try one out. If that is you, you can go to our website or download our app, templejonesboro, to find a description of our groups and sign up to try one.
The Mix
This is our ministry for kids in 7th-12th grade. Our goal is to see these kids come to know and walk closely with Jesus. We do this through small groups and preaching on Wednesday nights from 6p-8p. We also have food each time. Invite the teens you know who need a place to belong.
This is our ministry for kids in 7th-12th grade. Our goal is to see these kids come to know and walk closely with Jesus. We do this through small groups and preaching on Wednesday nights from 6p-8p. We also have food each time. Invite the teens you know who need a place to belong.
Upcoming Events:
September 8: theMix Lake Trip
September 19: Men's Ministry Kick-Off
October: Women's Ministry Kick-off
November 12: Temple Chili Supper Outreach is back!!
November 18: Community Thanksgiving Outreach
September 8: theMix Lake Trip
September 19: Men's Ministry Kick-Off
October: Women's Ministry Kick-off
November 12: Temple Chili Supper Outreach is back!!
November 18: Community Thanksgiving Outreach