Weekly Impact 08/10/2023

This Sunday we continue our series through the gospel of Mark. Invite someone to be with you here at 9am or 10:30am. We will be praying for our students, teachers, and faculty as they return to another school year. Please let us know how we can be praying for you this year.
The Mix
This is our ministry for kids in 7th-12th grade. Our goal is to see these kids come to know and walk closely with Jesus. We do this through small groups and preaching on Wednesday nights from 6p-8p. We also have food each time. Invite the teens you know who need a place to belong. 
Back to School
Each year as we get ready to send our kids back to school we also look for ways to be a blessing to our community. Last year we began a new partnership with Fox Meadow School of Creative Arts (A.k.a. Fox Meadow Intermediate School). This year they have shared these needs with us as they get ready to kick off the 2023-24 school year:
Backpacks (for kids in 3rd-6th grade)
Boys sweatpants
Girls leggings
Solid Colored t-shirts
While you are out buying things for your children (grandchildren) please consider picking something up for these kids who may be less fortunate. If your kids are already grown this is a great way to still invest in the next generations. There will be a bin in the foyer where you can drop these supplies off during the month of August.

Faith Bible Institute
In case you are not aware, we offer in-depth Bible Study (college level) here at Temple through a course called Faith Bible Institute. Through these classes you dig into every book in the Bible, learn the major Doctrinal beliefs found in Scripture, and learn about spiritual disciplines and other valuable insights into the Word of God. This is a three-year course with classes in the fall and in the spring, with electives offered during the summer. They meet on Tuesday nights from 6:30 to 9:30. If you would like more inforamtion you can contact our Faith Bible Institute Coordinator Betsy Dozier at: 870-930-6273
Upcoming Events:
August 14: School starts back
August 16: The Mix starts back!
August 30: Back To School Bash
September 6: Adults and Children's Ministry resumes
September: Men's Ministry Kick-Off
October: Women's Ministry Kick-off

Gym Closed till August 14 as we have our floor replaced.



