Weekly Impact 12-01-2022
by Jonathan Martin on December 1st, 2022
Christ Is BornThis December I hope you will take some time to slow down and recognize the impact of the birth of Jesus on your life specifically. The way God has chosen to get you to Him is through a baby born into the world in what seemed like poverty. But, all the wealth in the world could never have paid for the gifts Jesus offers you. This life isn't promised to you in comfort, health, wealth,...  Read More
Weekly Impact 11/17/2022
by Jonathan Martin on November 17th, 2022
Necessary Questions:What questions do you have about Jesus? What questions might He have for you? Invite someone to join you you as we approach these necessary questions together.  Thanksgiving Outreach:The Outreach begins at 11:00am and goes until 2:00pm this Saturday. Come help us love on the community. If you want to serve in the food line be here at 9am for prep and training. All other areas b...  Read More
Weekly Impact 11/10/2022
by Jonathan Martin on November 10th, 2022
Thank You!Thank you to those who were able to show up for our workday. It is no fun to have to do some of the things we need done, but they are essential to making our facilities better. Thanksgiving OutreachThis year we are doing things a little bit differently. We are still having our meal, but it will be prepared by a group of volunteers from all over JOEnsboro. We do need your help! There WIL...  Read More
Weekly Impact 11/03/22
by Jonathan Martin on November 3rd, 2022
Fall Back! Time change is this weekend. Remember to fall back so you don’t show up early! Invite someone to come with you this weekend. The sermon this weekend is on Matthew 16:13-20. "Who do you say Jesus is?" Knowing the truth about who Jesus is is life changing. I hope you will be here to celebrate Christ with us this Sunday.  Gym Upgrades Workday November 5thWe have been blessed with money to ...  Read More
Weekly Impact 10/27/2022
by Jonathan Martin on October 27th, 2022
Fall Festival!! Last night was incredible! Thank you everyone for all of your work and investment in this community. We were able to engage people from all over Jonesboro with the love of Jesus. We saw many of you able to reach into the lives of new people and care about their families. Thank you!! To those who thought of us this month,Thank you to all of you who thought of the staff here at templ...  Read More
Weekly Impact 10/20/2022
by Jonathan Martin on October 20th, 2022
1 Timothy continued...I hope you all were able to make it this Sunday morning to hear what God is teaching us through Paul's first letter to Timothy. This week we discussed the call to train yourself in godliness and the mystery that is Jesus' life, death, and resurrection. Elevating Jesus to the pinnacle of our purpose in this life is a lifelong pursuit of godliness. We will finish 1 Timothy 4 th...  Read More
Weekly Impact 10/13/22
by Jonathan Martin on October 13th, 2022
1 TimothyLast week we made our way back into 1 Timothy. We talked about the lies that we can often be deceived by. These lies are numerous and often subtle. If we do not know the truth well, we become an easy target for those who would deceive us and use our lives for their , often immoral or evil, agenda. The good news is, we have the truth, the Holy Spirit, and Biblical community to help us deci...  Read More
Weekly Impact 10/06/22
by Jonathan Martin on October 6th, 2022
Joy In the Journey.As we continue to call out the distractions that begin to steal our joy, we must go to the Word of God for the truth of how to combat them. God is near. He wants us to look to Him for our joy and satisfaction. A chaotic world is all around us. It wants our soul too. Which one will you intentionally build your life around? This coming Sunday we will move out of this series and ba...  Read More
Weekly Impact 9/29/22
by Jonathan Martin on September 29th, 2022
Joy In The JourneyThis week we learned how to sift through the noise with worship, scripture, and the pursuit of God. I hope you are able to truly experience the joy in Christ that is offered to you at the onset of each morning, and throughout your days. There are many things trying to take us away from the Lord and His presence. If you haven't yet, read through Psalm 16 and Psalm 19 in your times...  Read More
Weekly Impact 9/22/22
by Jonathan Martin on September 22nd, 2022
Weekly Impact 9/22/22 Joy In The Journey This month we have been discussing what it looks like to be joyful when the world around us doesn’t seem so joyful. We will continue that this week as we meet together for worship on Sunday. Invite your friends and anyone out there who may not have a church home. New Adult Wednesday Night ClassesWe are on Week 3 of our classes. If you have missed the first ...  Read More
Weekly Impact 9/15/22
by Jonathan Martin on September 15th, 2022
Weekly Impact 09/15/2022 It has been a joy to have both services together in worship! This Sunday we go back to 2 services to make room for more people this Fall! Whether you normally attend the early service at 9:00am or late service at 10:30am, invite someone to come with you this Sunday. We are continuing the series titled "Joy In The Journey". It is a privilege to be able to come together and ...  Read More
Weekly Impact 9/8/22
by Jonathan Martin on September 8th, 2022
WEEKLY IMPACT Wednesday nights are back…For all those that showed up thank you! We had an incredible time. If you missed this week there is still time to commit to your own growth through education in walking as Jesus walked. Our midweek events are designed for you so that we can all continue to be unified around the Word of God through study and application. There are many facets of discipleship....  Read More