Weekly Impact 08/17/2023
by Jonathan Martin on August 17th, 2023
Sunday, Sunday, Sunday  Read More
Weekly Impact 08/10/2023
by Jonathan Martin on August 10th, 2023
SundayThis Sunday we continue our series through the gospel of Mark. Invite someone to be with you here at 9am or 10:30am. We will be praying for our students, teachers, and faculty as they return to another school year. Please let us know how we can be praying for you this year. The MixThis is our ministry for kids in 7th-12th grade. Our goal is to see these kids come to know and walk closely wit...  Read More
Weekly Impact 08/03/2023
by Andy Neal on August 3rd, 2023
Weekly Impact 08/03/2023This Coming SundayWe will be back to our 2-service schedule this Sunday at 9:00 and 10:30am.We also have our kids Promotion Sunday this week. If you have a child going into kindergarten, they will begin attending our children's worship. If you have one going into 5th grade, they will begin attending the middle school group. And if you have a student entering 7th grade they ...  Read More
Weekly Impact 07/27/2023
by Jonathan Martin on July 26th, 2023
SundayThis weekend we continue walking through Mark together in chapter 9. The common prayer, "help my unbelief" is part of this story. Come and hear what Jesus did for the man who asked him this.  VBS 2K23We had an incredible time this week learning about Jesus and how to live like Him! We saw some of our kids come to faith in Jesus! If you weren't able to be here we will be showing a recap video...  Read More
Weekly Impact 07/20/2023
by Jonathan Martin on July 20th, 2023
SundayThis Sunday we will continue talking through the book of Mark together. The life and ministry of Jesus is more profound for our lives than we can know. The continual study of the gospels is necessary for all of life. Come expecting to see more of Jesus, experience more of God, and respond more to the Holy Spirit.  VBSThe building is ready for our children to come in and learn more about who ...  Read More
Weekly Impact 07/13/2023
by Jonathan Martin on July 13th, 2023
SundayThis Sunday we continue our journey through the gospel of Mark. Each week we have the opportunity to be together around the Word of God. The means and the end are the presence of the Triune God in our lives. VBSVacation Bible School is next month! We need volunteers! We will start sign-up this Sunday. This is an incredible time for our church and the community. We get to share Jesus with kid...  Read More
Weekly Impact 07/06/2023
by Jonathan Martin on July 6th, 2023
SundayThis Sunday we continue our journey through the gospel of Mark. Each week we have the opportunity to be together around the Word of God. In Mark 7, Jesus talks with the Pharisees about their desire to hold on to man made traditions over obeying God's Word. Those things still exist today in the hearts and minds of the church. God has given us His Word so that we can walk with Him more closely...  Read More
Weekly Impact 06/29/2023
by Jonathan Martin on June 29th, 2023
SundayThis Sunday we are having 1 service at 9am. We continue our journey through the gospel of Mark. If you are in town invite someone to be with you to study the life of Jesus. Cole will be in Mark chapter 6. God provides life when He is sought in the desolate places. I hope you and your family are able to be together this week to celebrate our country's independence. We will not have any servic...  Read More
Weekly Impact 06/22/2023
by Jonathan Martin on June 22nd, 2023
The MixThis week Cole has been with our teens at Student Life camp in Orange beach! Please continue to pray for them as they hear the Bible taught to them in a relevant way, and as they get to worship with other teenagers from across the country. This is an incredible blessing that we get to send them to find truth in an age of deception. Won't you go to the Lord on their behalf that they may expe...  Read More
Weekly Impact 06/14/2023
by Jonathan Martin on June 15th, 2023
Father's DayThis Sunday is Father's Day. If you are a father, and you will be in town, bring your family to church. You don't want to miss the encouragement God has for us in His word for us as men. He loves you and your family deeply. Zambia Mission UpdateOur team is on their way back from Zambia! They were able to see several people come to know Jesus and be baptized! I know you will want to hea...  Read More
Weekly Impact 06/08/2023
by Jonathan Martin on June 8th, 2023
Sunday The Gospel of MarkThe story of Jesus takes us to new places in our lives, God's pursuit of you and I through the sacrifice of His son is the greatest reality we will ever participate in. As a first occupation we are called by Jesus to follow Him. Come Sunday to learn this undeniable truth. Won't you join me in this endeavor? Zambia Mission UpdateOur team has made it to Zambia! They are exci...  Read More
Weekly Impact 06/01/2023
by Jonathan Martin on June 1st, 2023
Sunday This Sunday we will be starting our summer series through the book of Mark. Mark wrote this gospel account to a primarily non-Jewish audience. Mark explains the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus. Mark teaches that Jesus is the Son of God and King over all things. Go with us this summer as we look into the life of the Son of God. The year long reading of the New Testament has...  Read More