Weekly Impact 12/16/21
by Tyler Morgan on December 16th, 2021
This Sunday we get to bring “Our Gift for Our Savior” offerings together as an act of worship to our Savior. It is our opportunity to give back to Jesus on the celebration of His birth. We have been encouraging you to consider a monetary gift through the church, above and beyond your regular tithes and offerings, as a way of saying thank you to Jesus for coming to rescue us. The money received wil...  Read More
Weekly Impact 12/02/21
by Tyler Morgan on December 2nd, 2021
This Sunday we will begin a new series, taking us up to Christmas, about the hope that is found in Jesus. This series may not be all about Jesus’ birth, but it will be all about the message of hope, forgiveness, and redemption that Jesus came to bring. This will be a great series to invite your family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors to as we talk about how Jesus takes the mess that we have mad...  Read More
Weekly Impact 11/17/21
by Tyler Morgan on November 17th, 2021
This Saturday Nov 20. we will be hosting a Thanksgiving Community Meal from 11am-2pm. We are teaming up with groups and businesses who will be bringing volunteers with them, so we are not short on volunteers this year. Because of this, we are asking for more specific things from you all this year.For starters, we need desserts! As many desserts as we can get, we will take!Second, we are asking eve...  Read More
Weekly Impact 11/11/21
by Tyler Morgan on November 11th, 2021
Nov 20. we will be hosting a Thanksgiving Community Meal from 11am-2pm. We are teaming up with groups and businesses who will be bringing volunteers with them, so we are not short on volunteers this year. Because of this, we are asking for more specific things from you all this year.For starters, we need desserts! As many desserts as we can get, we will take!Second, we are asking everyone in our c...  Read More
Weekly Impact 11/4/21
by Tyler Morgan on November 4th, 2021
We wanted to remind you, in the middle of the week, about the grocery list for the thanksgiving bags. We only have two Sundays to fill the stage and ready ourselves to bless our community on November 20th. Here is the list in case you did not get a bag:2 cans green beans1 large can sweet potatoes2 cans corn1 can cranberry sauce1 box of boxed potatoes1 box mac & cheese I know all of us are feeling ...  Read More
Weekly Impact 10/28/21
by Tyler Morgan on October 28th, 2021
Yesterday our church hosted the NEA Sports Media day. We were able to open up our building to the community as we celebrated our local high school and their sports programs. It started at 7:30am and went until 5:30pm. Throughout the day we saw 54 high schools represented and were able to host and show love to over 125 students as well as the volunteers, workers and coaches present. Jonathan opened...  Read More
Weekly Impact 9/30/21
by Tyler Morgan on September 30th, 2021
s most of you have heard last week during the service, Sharon and I are answering the call to become missionaries to Zambia, Africa. As we visited Zambia earlier this year, we witnessed such a need and desire for the message of hope that can only be attained through Jesus Christ. We also saw the need of the new believers from the villages that need to be discipled. My call to missions did not happ...  Read More
Weekly Impact 9/23/21
by Tyler Morgan on September 23rd, 2021
I know we said this last week…however, we do feel that God is allowing us to kick off the new series on the prayer life of Jonah, and the other people listed in his writings, this Sunday! The beginning of a new series is a great time to invite someone new to church.  Maybe they came with you last week, encourage them to come again.  Maybe they didn’t make it last week, call them up and see if this...  Read More
The Weekly Impact 9/16/21
by Andy Neal on September 16th, 2021
This weekend we are kicking off a new series on the prayer life of Jonah and the other characters listed in his writings. The beginning of a new series is a great time to invite someone new to church.  This weekend is also "National Back To Church Sunday" which is a good time for us to get back to our regular attendance at church and to invite people to come with us! So it should be a win-win for ...  Read More
The Weekly Impact 9/9/21
by Andy Neal on September 9th, 2021
This weekend we will be kicking off our fall study here at the church. Bill Elliff will be here Sunday as we dive into 40 days of prayer.  Bill is the Founding Pastor of Summit Church in Little Rock.  He has been pastoring for over 50 years and has been used by God to help people have a deeper understanding of prayer and how to seek God’s Face.  This would be a great weekend to invite your neighbo...  Read More
Weekly Impact 9/2/21
by Tyler Morgan on September 2nd, 2021
Can dry bones live?Ezekiel had a tough job… ministering to people who had rejected God and then watch them as they suffered the consequences for their choices. These same people that had rejected God and His truths were eager to blame God for their circumstances. “It’s not fair!” they argued. Ezekiel told the Israelites, God’s chosen people, that they were to blame, not God and their faithlessness...  Read More
Weekly Impact 8/26/21
by Tyler Morgan on August 26th, 2021
We will be finishing our current series “Investing In You”.  You do not want to miss this last message in the series as Pastor Andy shows us where the blessing of the investment come from. We will also be having our annual ballot on budget, church officers & trustees, and our impact team members. Just for clarification…we WILL NOT be voting on issues dealing with the land this Sunday. That convers...  Read More