The Weekly Impact 1/6/22

Reading through the Word together

We want to encourage you to join with us as we read through the book of Proverbs during the month of January. If you didn’t get started with us on the 1st, then join in today with us on chapter 6 and keep reading with us.  As we experience life God has daily wisdom available to us for the things we will face.  A lot of that wisdom can be found in the book of Proverbs.

January 9 – Two Service Times (9:00/10:30)

This Sunday we will resume our two service times and children’s classes. We hope to see you here. We realize with the Omicron Covid Virus, and the Flu, there are many not able to attend; so please join us online at 10:30 and listen to what God has to say to His church here at Temple.

Wednesday Nights this winter/spring

We will be back to full schedule this Wednesday night, January 12th including our adult classes. Students gather and begin to hang out at 6:00, Children & middle school classes get started at 6:15, and our adult classes get started at 6:30. There are 6 options of study for adults this winter/spring. These options are:
  • Discipleship 201 (Led by Pastor Quill & Sharon)
  • Revelation (the 2nd half) (Led by Jim Shehorn)
  • Tour of Israel (continued) (Led by Thomas Priest)
  • Marriage Class (Led by Pastor Andy and Laurie)
  • Women’s Group (studying “One in a Million” by Priscilla Shirer) (Led by Rhonda McNabb)
  • Small Group (studying “Anxious for Nothing”) (Led by Kent Bridger)

Upcoming Dates

January 23 – Licensing Service @ 10:30/Ordination Service @ 5:00
The Month of February – Saturate Jonesboro Prayer Initiative/Loving Our Community
February 6 – Night for the Nations (with our Association) 5:00pm
February 27 - World Mission Day



