The Weekly Impact 2/24/22

World Mission Day this Sunday

This Sunday will be a big day for us as we give faithfully to World Missions and as we look to be even more active in local opportunities to bless our community and come alongside ministries making a difference in Jonesboro. We ask you to continue praying about what God would have you give toward World Missions as we join churches across this country in giving to support Missions in the States and around the world. Everything given Sunday (unless otherwise stated) will be gathered and sent to our Mission's Office in Conway to be dispersed to Missionaries and Mission works in 71 countries as well as in America. Then Sunday night we will be coming together at 5 for a time of food, fun, and fellowship as we look to bless three ministries here in Jonesboro and also creating care bags for families in the ICU waiting rooms here in the Jonesboro hospitals. We hope you will join in as we continue to live out our mission of:
"Loving people and walking alongside them as we lead them to follow Jesus!"

Here is a list of some things that you can help contribute to the care bags, boxes, packages:

for the care bags for those rescued from human trafficking (boys and girls):
  • journals
  • $5 Walmart gift cards
  • full size bottles of shampoo & conditioner
  • reusable water bottles
for the care bags for birth mom's deciding to give their babies in adoption:
  • small blankets (ex. Walmart for $3.00)
  • travel size toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, body wash 
  • gum
for the care packages for families in ICU waiting rooms:
  • quarters (for vending machines
  • peanut butter crackers (or the like)
  • gum

Reading in the Word Together
February - 1 & 2 Corinthians
Reading in the Word Together
March - John; I, II, & III John; and Jude

Upcoming Dates

March 20 - Begin promoting our Easter services with yard signs and banners
March 26 - Work Day - Repairs at the church building
April 1-3 - D'NOW - Student Ministry
April 9 - Work Day - Deep Spring Cleaning at the church building
April 13 - Preparing Our Hearts for Easter
April 16 - Easter Outreach
April 17 - Easter
May 1 - Night for the Nations

Easy ways to set up online giving here at Temple

We want to encourage you to stay faithful in the giving of your tithes and offerings here at Temple.  We believe God has instructed us to bring our tithes together for us to do the work He has planned for His church at Temple, and that this is helping us stay faithful to His commands for each of us to give back to Him through tithes and offerings. If you have not given online, it is easy to set up and very secure. You can do this through our app (search for templejonesboro on your app store) or through our website ( Once there you can type in your amount, choose whether this is tithe or if it is above and beyond to a special need, and if you want to set it up as a reoccurring gift. We have heard it said that we automate what we find is most important.  If that is the tithe for you, and you have a regular paycheck, then you can set your giving up to automatically come out every week, every other week, or once a month. By doing this we set ourselves up to remain faithful to the tithe and we set our church up to be able to accomplish even more in Jonesboro, and through missions.

We hope to see you this Sunday
at 9:00 and/or 10:30!



