The Weekly Impact 1/27/22

Reading through the Word Together
January – the book of Proverbs
February - 1 & 2 Corinthians

Deepest Sympathy

You have probably already read or heard about the passing of Alyssa Mattix (Hunter Mattix's wife). Our deepest sympathy, as a church family, goes out to Hunter Mattix and the family.
Alyssa passed away unexpectedly on Tuesday through a pulmonary embolism. With this unexpected passing Hunter (and the families) world has been shaken to the core.

Please be in prayer daily for this family. (Other family at Temple include in-laws, Jeremy and Christi Mattix and brother-in-law, Jase.)

A Celebration of Life will be held at the church building, Saturday, January 29th, at 10am.

We will be loving on the family by providing a meal following the Celebration of Life.  If you can bring food by 10:15 Saturday morning, please contact Lisa by text at 870-926-9915 or email Lisa ( with what you can bring.

  • During the Month of February we want to love on our community.  You will be hearing more ways you can do this on Sunday.
  • January 29 - Celebration of Life for Alyssa Mattix at 10am at the church building
  • January 30 - 9/10:30 services
  • February 2 - Wednesday night activities kick off at 6pm
  • February 5 - First Saturday Prayer Night at 6pm
  • February 27 - World Mission Offering
  • Late March - Night for the Nations



