The Weekly Impact 2/3/22
Month of Kindness
We hope you have already caught on to our month of kindness, and living on purpose during this month by loving those around us. There was a list of ideas we shared Sunday (this list can be found on the daily emails this month). These are just ideas and suggestion that will hopefully spur you on and cause you to think of other things you could do for co-workers, neighbors, and others in our community. We will be trying to encourage you throughout the month to think about how to love those around you.
And let us consider and give attentive, continuous care
to watching over one another,
studying how we may stir up (stimulate and incite)
to love and helpful deeds and noble activities...
Hebrews 10:24 (AmplifiedVersion)
to watching over one another,
studying how we may stir up (stimulate and incite)
to love and helpful deeds and noble activities...
Hebrews 10:24 (AmplifiedVersion)
First Saturday Prayer Nights
This Saturday (5th) we will be gathering together at the church building
to seek God's face and ask for His leadership in His church at Temple.
We will gather in the Worship Center to begin, and then spread throughout the building
praying over all the areas of ministry we engage in on a monthly basis.
Please join us for this night of prayer
as we ask God to use His church at Temple in the month of February.
to seek God's face and ask for His leadership in His church at Temple.
We will gather in the Worship Center to begin, and then spread throughout the building
praying over all the areas of ministry we engage in on a monthly basis.
Please join us for this night of prayer
as we ask God to use His church at Temple in the month of February.
Reading in the Word Together
February - 1 & 2 Corinthians
- February 5 - First Saturday Prayer Night at 6pm
- February 6 - 9/10:30 services
- February 9 - Wednesday night activities start at 6pm
- February 27 - World Mission Offering
- Late March - Night for the Nations