The Weekly Impact 6/2/2022
by Andy Neal on June 2nd, 2022
We hope you had a great Memorial Day weekend, and even more we hope to see you this Sunday at Church! We will be back in our “Revealed” series and looking at how God wants to reveal Himself to others through you.  We hope to see you at 9:00 or 10:30! We kicked off our Summer Wednesday Nights last night with a good crowd here for the Chosen series for adults, theMIX for students, and our kids class...  Read More
The Weekly Impact 5/26/2022
by Andy Neal on May 26th, 2022
This Sunday we will only have one service at 9am.  The service will be on Facebook live, YouTube, and our app if you are not able to be here. We hope you enjoy your 3-day weekend and remember the men and women who gave their lives in fighting for these freedoms we enjoy.  If you know a family that has lost someone in battle reach out to them and let them know you are thinking about them and prayin...  Read More
The Weekly Impact 5/19/2022
by Andy Neal on May 18th, 2022
This Sunday we will be honoring our graduating seniors (along with our kindergarten and 6th grade grads, and those graduating with college degrees).Following the 10:30 service we will have a church-wide fellowship for us to be able to enjoy a meal together and an opportunity to get to know these graduates even more. …we are going to be watching and discussing The Chosen series.  This is a streamin...  Read More
The Weekly Impact 5/12/2022
by Andy Neal on May 12th, 2022
As we read through the book of Genesis together, I hope you have been reading whereGod revealed Himself time and time again to the men and women found in the pagesof the first book of the Bible.  This Sunday we will be looking in on Jacob’s storyand how God meet him on his journey, gave him a promise, and saw it through.That is not all God did for Jacob, but I guess you will have to be here Sunday...  Read More
The Weekly Impact 5/5/2022
by Andy Neal on May 5th, 2022
This Saturday we will be gathering to pray for our church.  This is something we are doing in 2022 on the first Saturday of each month.  This month we will meet on the parking lot, share scripture and some areas to pray for, then we will pray around our property as we ask God to use this building, and the land,to mobilize His church to reach this community.  We hope you will join us. We always loo...  Read More
The Weekly Impact 4/28/2022
by Andy Neal on April 28th, 2022
This Sunday night we are partnering with our Missions Office to host an event for our Association.  This will start at 5pm and we want to encourage everyone to come and enjoy this night of worship, testimonies of what God is doing through our Missions, and allowing us to hear from our Missions directors. There will also be a reception time following, so if you would help by bringing some finger fo...  Read More
The Weekly Impact 4/21/2022
by Andy Neal on April 21st, 2022
…we will be kicking off a new series “Revealed” talking about how God has revealed Himself and His attributes to mankind. This Sunday we will start it off by seeing how God revealed Himself in Genesis 3.  This is a great time to invite people to join you for church.  Who have you been wanting to invite? Thank you to all who have brought prescription and reading glasses for us to send to Zambia.  W...  Read More
The Weekly Impact 4/14/2022
by Andy Neal on April 13th, 2022
Who have you invited and who are you bringing with you to church?! Saturday | Community Pancake breakfast | 8:00 -10:00.  Our hope is that as families are going out to egg hunts around town we might be able to provide them with pancakes and sausage to feed the need for food, and then be able to engage with them as they enjoy the breakfast.  Invite your friends, family, and co-workers to swing by w...  Read More
The Weekly Impact 4/7/2022
by Andy Neal on April 7th, 2022
Who are you bringing with you to church?! This coming week we will be getting ready to celebrate Easter together.  Here is what to look forward to:Wednesday night at 6:30 we will all be coming together for a time to prepare our hearts for the weekend. This will be for the whole family (so no kids classes, or student ministry that night – we will all be together).  We will end this night as we cele...  Read More
The Weekly Impact 3/31/2022
by Andy Neal on March 31st, 2022
Who Are you planning to invite to church that Sunday? Friday night our 2022 D’Now kicks off here at the church at 6.  If you have a student in jr high or high school we would love for them to join us for the weekend.  Cost is $20 for all the fun involved. If you need more information contact Jonathan (870-243-2467), Cole (870-931-6565), or Peyton (870-926-9047). This event starts Friday night and ...  Read More
The Weekly Impact 3/24/2022
by Andy Neal on March 23rd, 2022
There is a lot we can learn from the Kings of Israel. As we continue our look into the life and leading of King Hezekiah, we find that Satan wanted to thwart what God was doing through this godly King.  Satan wants to do the same thing to each one of us when we are faithfully following God.  What kind of scare tactics might he use in our lives, and how do we place our faith over those fears? Invit...  Read More
The Weekly Impact 3/17/22
by Tyler Morgan on March 17th, 2022
Our new series continues!What does it take to be King?  The right family lineage?  Taking out the previous King and asserting yourself in his place?  Luck?  Or God?  You find all of these in the Bible, but the most known Kings were those who you could see God had a direct hand in placing them in that position.  There is a lot we can learn from the Kings of Israel. We started this new series last w...  Read More