Weekly Impact 07/14/22
The Weekly Impact 07/14/2022
VBS 2022!
This year our theme for VBS is Make Waves. We will be talking about the effects of one action of God that ripples out into the world, creating lasting life altering events that no one can deny came from our Creator. Jesus was incredibly counter cultural in His day as he allowed the children to come to him, even correcting His disciples when they tried to prevent it. Children are often discounted when it comes to making a difference in the world. But, isn’t it our children that completely alter our schedules, budgets, diets, and all of life? Their ability to make waves with their spiritual decisions is much more powerful and life altering than their ability to throw a ball or make music. Please sign your kids up if they are coming so we can make sure we are prepared for each child.
This year our theme for VBS is Make Waves. We will be talking about the effects of one action of God that ripples out into the world, creating lasting life altering events that no one can deny came from our Creator. Jesus was incredibly counter cultural in His day as he allowed the children to come to him, even correcting His disciples when they tried to prevent it. Children are often discounted when it comes to making a difference in the world. But, isn’t it our children that completely alter our schedules, budgets, diets, and all of life? Their ability to make waves with their spiritual decisions is much more powerful and life altering than their ability to throw a ball or make music. Please sign your kids up if they are coming so we can make sure we are prepared for each child.
Love Offering
Last Sunday we took up an offering for the Troutman family. If you did not get to take part and wanted to, please contact the office and you can still give.
Last Sunday we took up an offering for the Troutman family. If you did not get to take part and wanted to, please contact the office and you can still give.
Reading the Word Together…
During the months of June and July we encourage you to read through the book of Psalms.
There is a breakdown that has been sent out through email and it is available on the app.
At the bottom of the page hit the Bible tab and then hit plan and it will show you the chapters each day.
Let’s make the most of the summer by spending time in His Word each day.
Don’t Miss Out Wednesday Nights this Summer…
During the months of June and July we encourage you to read through the book of Psalms.
There is a breakdown that has been sent out through email and it is available on the app.
At the bottom of the page hit the Bible tab and then hit plan and it will show you the chapters each day.
Let’s make the most of the summer by spending time in His Word each day.
Don’t Miss Out Wednesday Nights this Summer…
Food Pantry Needs
Here is one way we can all help with our food pantry. You could help provide these things items to stock the pantry:
Canned soups, Boxed milk, Pancake syrup
You can drop these in the foyer in the cart designated for our food pantry.
Here is one way we can all help with our food pantry. You could help provide these things items to stock the pantry:
Canned soups, Boxed milk, Pancake syrup
You can drop these in the foyer in the cart designated for our food pantry.
Clothes Closet needs
Our clothes closet is in need of children’s clothing. As you clear out closets, and as your kids move on to the next size, please consider bringing your children’s clothes, that are in good shape, to the clothes closet so we can bless other families through this outreach of our church. We hope to have plenty of good to new clothing to be able to share in August as families get ready to send their kids back to school. We also need summer clothes for all ages.
Our clothes closet is in need of children’s clothing. As you clear out closets, and as your kids move on to the next size, please consider bringing your children’s clothes, that are in good shape, to the clothes closet so we can bless other families through this outreach of our church. We hope to have plenty of good to new clothing to be able to share in August as families get ready to send their kids back to school. We also need summer clothes for all ages.
Look What’s Coming Up
July 11-14 - VBS Decorating
July 17-20 - VBS 2022 Make Waves
July 24 - Quill preaching and sharing their mission
August 7 – Church Family Meeting
August 20 - 50th Anniversary Celebration: 6pm-9pm!
July 11-14 - VBS Decorating
July 17-20 - VBS 2022 Make Waves
July 24 - Quill preaching and sharing their mission
August 7 – Church Family Meeting
August 20 - 50th Anniversary Celebration: 6pm-9pm!