The Weekly Impact 6/9/2022
We will see you this Sunday!
We will be kicking off a new series this Sunday on the book of 1 Timothy.
There is plenty in this book that Paul wrote to Timothy to help a church hold to the truths that God wanted for His church. We hope you will be here at 9:00 or 10:30!
There is plenty in this book that Paul wrote to Timothy to help a church hold to the truths that God wanted for His church. We hope you will be here at 9:00 or 10:30!
Our Students are leaving for camp early Monday Morning…
Our students will be headed to South Carolina for a StudentLife Camp. They leave in the early hours of Monday (13th) and will be back on Saturday (18th). Let’s be praying for their safety in travel, for them to be able to hear clearly from God, for friendship to be forged and strengthened, and for the Good News to be received by those who are not yet saved.
Don’t Miss Out Wednesday Nights this Summer…
Kids Choir Camp
(June 20-24 | 10a-3p each day.)
Don’t let your kids miss out on these fun-filled days. You can register your kid on our app or our website. If you are able to volunteer and have not signed up yet please contact the church office or let Melissa Gammill or Brandy Thompson know. (you can help one day, all days, in the afternoons, the mornings, etc…)
Don’t let your kids miss out on these fun-filled days. You can register your kid on our app or our website. If you are able to volunteer and have not signed up yet please contact the church office or let Melissa Gammill or Brandy Thompson know. (you can help one day, all days, in the afternoons, the mornings, etc…)
Reading the Word Together…
During the months of June and July we encourage you to read through the book of Psalms.
There is a breakdown that has been sent out through email and it is available on the app.
At the bottom of the page hit the Bible tab and then hit plan and it will show you the chapters each day. Let’s make the most of the summer by spending time in His Word each day.
There is a breakdown that has been sent out through email and it is available on the app.
At the bottom of the page hit the Bible tab and then hit plan and it will show you the chapters each day. Let’s make the most of the summer by spending time in His Word each day.
Clothes Closet needs
Our clothes closet is in need of children’s clothing. As you clear out closets, and as your kids move on to the next size, please consider bringing your children’s clothes, that are in good shape, to the clothes closet so we can bless other families through this outreach of our church. We hope to have plenty of good to new clothing to be able to share in August as families get ready to send their kids back to school.
Look What’s Coming Up
June 19 – Change for Life Baby Bottles are due back. (for Options on Main pregnancy center)
June 13-19 – StudentLife Camp (grades 7-12)
June 20-24 – Kids Choir Camp 10a-3p each day. You can register your child on the app or the website.
July 11-14 - VBS Decorating
July 17-20 - Vacation Bible School
July 25-29 – Middle School Camp (grades 4-6)
August 7 – Church Family Meeting
April 21 - 50th Anniversary Celebration
June 13-19 – StudentLife Camp (grades 7-12)
June 20-24 – Kids Choir Camp 10a-3p each day. You can register your child on the app or the website.
July 11-14 - VBS Decorating
July 17-20 - Vacation Bible School
July 25-29 – Middle School Camp (grades 4-6)
August 7 – Church Family Meeting
April 21 - 50th Anniversary Celebration