Weekly Impact 09/01/22

Family Game Night!!
We had an incredible game night last night! Thank you to all who showed up. The energy and connection we get as a church from events like that are invaluable to our unity. Unfortunately, our under 18 folks were not able to win even 1 game of dodgeball against our veteran athletes. It was a joy to see all of you out there playing, eating, and working together! I hope to continue events like these in the future as we learn each day a little more about what it means to be the church.
Wednesday Nights
This coming Wednesday we are back at it! All of our programs begin again as we utilize the resources available to us in making disciples at all ages. Jesus has modeled a Godly life for us, and we need each other to be able to observe and walk the way He walked. As we continue to experience God together in our different programs and facets of life, lets commit ourselves to the teachings of Jesus on Wednesdays at Temple. We start at 6:30pm this Wednesday 9/07/22. Pray with us that God would use Temple for the glory and building of His kingdom.
New Adult Wednesday Night Classes 
We are offering 3 new classes this semester from Sept-Nov. All of them are based around the habits and practices of Jesus. They are as follows:
How To Read Your Bible- Casey Spencer and Kyle Cook will be walking through the book of John teaching us to read and study our Bibles more effectively.
Prayer- Andy will be teaching us to pray the way Jesus taught us to.
Silence and Solitude- Jonathan will be walking us through Jesus' habit of getting away to be more focused on the presence of God.
I hope you will consider joining one of these classes. We will rotate to each class over the course of this school year.
School Sponsorship
Fox Meadow Elementary Needs
3 ring binders- 50
3 prong folders- 50
scissors- 50
Upcoming events:
September 7- Wednesday Nights are back!
September 9-11- Youth Lake Retreat
September 11- Back to 2 services at 9 and 10:30 



