The Weekly Impact 8/11/22
Celebrating our
50th Anniversary
this month
Next weekend (20th & 21st) we will be celebrating our church’s anniversary with some of our past ministry leaders and a lot of fun! On Saturday we are welcoming the community to our celebration. Many have been a part of Temple throughout the years, and we hope they will come and celebrate with us. If you will invite them, it will help!
We have 10 to 15 guests coming that have served with Temple in the past, we will have music by a few groups throughout the years and we will be challenged through the word by an old friend of Temple, Paul Vincent. We will have BBQ, hotdogs, sweet corn, and sno-cones; along with bounce houses for the kids to come play. And we will be ending out the night with a firework display (presented by Luke Priest/Josh Cook who also helped produce and execute the freedom celebration for our community the past two years). The celebration will start at 6:00.
We have 10 to 15 guests coming that have served with Temple in the past, we will have music by a few groups throughout the years and we will be challenged through the word by an old friend of Temple, Paul Vincent. We will have BBQ, hotdogs, sweet corn, and sno-cones; along with bounce houses for the kids to come play. And we will be ending out the night with a firework display (presented by Luke Priest/Josh Cook who also helped produce and execute the freedom celebration for our community the past two years). The celebration will start at 6:00.
And then on Sunday the 21st we hope to pack the worship center as we celebrate, as a church, our 50th anniversary. Bro. Jerry Jolly, a long-tenured pastor of Temple, will be sharing the Word and we will have a few of our past worship leaders in to lead with our current band
(Larry Gibson, Rick Duncan, and Adam Taylor)
(Larry Gibson, Rick Duncan, and Adam Taylor)
Church Family Meeting Sunday Night at 5:00
As we approach a new church year, this meeting will help us get ready!
The proposed budget for the coming church year (September 2022 – August 2023)
will be shared and open for discussion. We will also talk through our ministry teams
and prepare our hearts and minds for the Community Celebration on the 20th!
The proposed budget for the coming church year (September 2022 – August 2023)
will be shared and open for discussion. We will also talk through our ministry teams
and prepare our hearts and minds for the Community Celebration on the 20th!
Reading the Word Together…
During the months of August, we encourage you to read through the book of Philippians, one chapter each week. We want to encourage you to read through the chapter each day
and write down what sticks out to you. Pray through the things God challenges you with. And find joy in all that Paul wrote to this church at Philippi.
and write down what sticks out to you. Pray through the things God challenges you with. And find joy in all that Paul wrote to this church at Philippi.
Don’t Miss Out
on Wednesday Nights this Fall…
Starting August 31st!
Food Pantry & Clothes Closet Needs
Our Food Pantry will be serving our community tomorrow (12th). If you are able to come and help, please be at the church building around 8:30. Here is one way we can all help with our food pantry. You could help provide these items to stock the pantry:
Sugar, Self-rising Flour, Cooking Oil, Margarine, and Evaporated Milk
You can drop these in the foyer in the cart designated for our food pantry. If you are looking for an area to serve you can contact Janie Hawkins, Michelle Green, or Cathy Ezell to see what the needs are in this area of our ministry.
With school starting back, our clothes closet is in need of children’s clothing. As you clear out closets and your kid(s) move on to the next size, please consider bringing your children’s clothes (that are in good shape) to the clothes closet so we can bless other families through this outreach of our church. We hope to have plenty of good to new clothing to share this August as families get ready to send their kids back to school.
What’s Coming Up
August 20 – 50th Anniversary Community Celebration
August 21 - 50th Anniversary Church Celebration w/Bro. Jerry Jolly
August 31 – Back to Wednesday Nights! Kicking it Off with a Church Family Fun Night!
August 21 - 50th Anniversary Church Celebration w/Bro. Jerry Jolly
August 31 – Back to Wednesday Nights! Kicking it Off with a Church Family Fun Night!