Weekly Impact 8-4-2022
This Sunday we begin our Month long celebration!!
Todd West will be preaching this Sunday. As most of you know, Todd has a heart for Jonesboro and for Temple. I hope you will make it a point to be here this week and the rest of the month to celebrate what God has done in Jonesboro through Temple Baptist Church for the last 50 years. Most of all, I hope you will continue becoming a disciple who makes disciples; so that the people of Jonesboro might know Jesus and Hid deep love for them. Also, this Sunday is our promotion Sunday for the Mix and the children’s ministry. We are excited o see each kid move into their new ministries and classes!
The Quillmans
Mickeal and Sharon leave today for Zambia!! My heart is heavy over their departure, but I know it is for the good of the people in Zambia that they leave. Mickeal and Sharon have mad such an incredible impact on Temple these past 3 years. The direction of our church is better because of the work they allowed God to do through them here. We get to keep Ronnie, Kaitlyn, Addi, and Aurora!!! Join us in praying for the emotional well being of Quill and Sharon as they move to a completely new culture. May the Lord bless them and the ministry in Zambia with many new friends and followers of Jesus.
Mickeal and Sharon leave today for Zambia!! My heart is heavy over their departure, but I know it is for the good of the people in Zambia that they leave. Mickeal and Sharon have mad such an incredible impact on Temple these past 3 years. The direction of our church is better because of the work they allowed God to do through them here. We get to keep Ronnie, Kaitlyn, Addi, and Aurora!!! Join us in praying for the emotional well being of Quill and Sharon as they move to a completely new culture. May the Lord bless them and the ministry in Zambia with many new friends and followers of Jesus.
Reading the Word Together…
This month we are reading through Philippians together. As a staff we read chapter 1 all week long and discussed suffering well on Paul, the Philippians, and the rest of the church. The joy that came from the knowledge and indwelling of Christ catapulted the Church into a worldwide way of life that brings new life from dry bones. IN September we will begin talking about what it looks like to be joyful through difficult times. May persecution, and suffering produce a well that never runs dry where destruction was intended.
This month we are reading through Philippians together. As a staff we read chapter 1 all week long and discussed suffering well on Paul, the Philippians, and the rest of the church. The joy that came from the knowledge and indwelling of Christ catapulted the Church into a worldwide way of life that brings new life from dry bones. IN September we will begin talking about what it looks like to be joyful through difficult times. May persecution, and suffering produce a well that never runs dry where destruction was intended.
Don’t Miss Out our new classes coming Wednesday Nights this Fall…
Food Pantry Needs
Here is one way we can all help with our food pantry. You could help provide these things items to stock the pantry:
Canned soups, Boxed milk, Pancake syrup
You can drop these in the foyer in the cart designated for our food pantry.
Here is one way we can all help with our food pantry. You could help provide these things items to stock the pantry:
Canned soups, Boxed milk, Pancake syrup
You can drop these in the foyer in the cart designated for our food pantry.
Clothes Closet needs
Our clothes closet is in need of children’s clothing. As you clear out closets, and as your kids move on to the next size, please consider bringing your children’s clothes, that are in good shape, to the clothes closet so we can bless other families through this outreach of our church. We hope to have plenty of good to new clothing to be able to share in August as families get ready to send their kids back to school.
Our clothes closet is in need of children’s clothing. As you clear out closets, and as your kids move on to the next size, please consider bringing your children’s clothes, that are in good shape, to the clothes closet so we can bless other families through this outreach of our church. We hope to have plenty of good to new clothing to be able to share in August as families get ready to send their kids back to school.
Look What’s Coming Up
August 7 - Todd West Preaching/ Church family meeting that night at 5pm./ Promotion Sunday
August 20 - 50 year anniversary community celebration
August 21 - 50 year reunion with Brother Jerry Jolly
August 7 - Todd West Preaching/ Church family meeting that night at 5pm./ Promotion Sunday
August 20 - 50 year anniversary community celebration
August 21 - 50 year reunion with Brother Jerry Jolly