Weekly Impact 7/28/22

VBS 2022!
This year was amazing at VBS!!! Thank you to all who participated and volunteered to make a lasting impact in the lives of the kids here at Temple and in the rest of the community.  We saw 15 kids give their live to Jesus this week! That is what making waves looks like.  We now have the responsibility to continue praying for and discipling these new followers of Christ. Melissa Gammill, Brandy Thompson, and Valorie Bowman worked so hard to make VBS the success that it was. So a big thanks to these women for giving it all to change the world one child at a time. Teaching children how enjoyable it is to know God is one of the main things we do in making disciples. Let’s keep going as we prayerfully engage the world around us with the gospel we know to be true.
This past Sunday! 
I just want to celebrate last Sunday morning a little more! We got to Baptize 6 of our children! God has been faithful to us. We at times are not faithful to Him, but God is constantly pursuing us with His grace and Mercy. Out of a grateful heart we worship Him with our lives. Come celebrate this week as we get to Baptize 2 more! Stick around afterwards to see Quill and Sharon one more time as we share a meal together.

Reading the Word Together…
During the months of June and July we encourage you to read through the book of Psalms.  
There is a breakdown that has been sent out through email and it is available on the app.
At the bottom of the page hit the Bible tab and then hit plan and it will show you the chapters each day.
Let’s make the most of the summer by spending time in His Word each day.

Don’t Miss Out Wednesday Nights this Summer…
Food Pantry Needs
Here is one way we can all help with our food pantry. You could help provide these things items to stock the pantry:
Canned soups, Boxed milk, Pancake syrup
You can drop these in the foyer in the cart designated for our food pantry.

Clothes Closet needs
Our clothes closet is in need of children’s clothing.  As you clear out closets, and as your kids move on to the next size, please consider bringing your children’s clothes, that are in good shape, to the clothes closet so we can bless other families through this outreach of our church.  We hope to have plenty of good to new clothing to be able to share in August as families get ready to send their kids back to school.

Look What’s Coming Up
July 24 - VBS Celebration/Zambia presentation
July 31 - Mission Send off and Post service meal with The Quillmans
August 7 – Todd West will be preaching! Church Family Meeting the evening.
August 20 - Community Anniversary Celebration
August 21 - 50th Anniversary Celebration



