The Weekly Impact 3/10/22
by Andy Neal on March 9th, 2022
You wouldn’t want to be late for church! It is a little embarrassing to walk in an hour late and everyone realize you had forgot to set your clocks forward! What does it take to be King?  The right family lineage?  Taking out the previous King and asserting yourself in his place?  Luck?  Or God?  You find all of these in the Bible, but the most known Kings were those who you could see God had a di...  Read More
The Weekly Impact 3/3/22
by Andy Neal on March 3rd, 2022
Thank you to everyone who was faithful with the tithe and to those who gave above and beyond to our World Mission Offering last Sunday. Offering last Sunday going to World Missions was: $13,129.50.  (There has been more given through this last week that will be going with this offering to the Mission Office to be distributed around the globe.)  We will let you know when we have our final numbers, ...  Read More
The Weekly Impact 2/24/22
by Andy Neal on February 24th, 2022
This Sunday will be a big day for us as we give faithfully to World Missions and as we look to be even more active in local opportunities to bless our community and come alongside ministries making a difference in Jonesboro. We ask you to continue praying about what God would have you give toward World Missions as we join churches across this country in giving to support Missions in the States and...  Read More
The Weekly Impact 2/17/22
by Andy Neal on February 17th, 2022
February 27th is World Mission Day for our Association of churches. And we have two big things coming that day. In our morning services we will be bringing together our tithes and offerings to go to World Missions. That evening we will be gathering together to enjoy food, fellowship, and some fun as we put together care packages for families at ICU waiting rooms, Power of One boxes for Options on ...  Read More
The Weekly Impact 2/10/22
by Andy Neal on February 10th, 2022
We hope you have been enjoying looking for ways to be a blessing to those around you.  Again, the list that we have been sending each day (view hear) is meant just as ideas to spur your heart and creativity in how to show kindness to those you live with, work with, go to church with, have fun with, etc. Let's make a big impact on the city of Jonesboro and the surrounding area this month and beyond...  Read More
The Weekly Impact 2/3/22
by Andy Neal on February 3rd, 2022
We hope you have already caught on to our month of kindness, and living on purpose during this month by loving those around us.  There was a list of ideas we shared Sunday (this list can be found on the daily emails this month).  These are just ideas and suggestion that will hopefully spur you on and cause you to think of other things you could do for co-workers, neighbors, and others in our commu...  Read More
The Weekly Impact 1/27/22
by Andy Neal on January 27th, 2022
You have probably already read or heard about the passing of Alyssa Mattix (Hunter Mattix's wife). Our deepest sympathy, as a church family, goes out to Hunter Mattix and the family. Alyssa passed away unexpectedly on Tuesday through a pulmonary embolism. With this unexpected passing Hunter (and the families) world has been shaken to the core.Please be in prayer daily for this family. (Other famil...  Read More
The Weekly Impact 1/20/22
by Andy Neal on January 20th, 2022
We are hoping, and believing, that this Sunday we will be able to resume our two service times and children’s classes. In our services we will be licensing Cole Morgan to the Gospel Ministry and hearing, as a church, about the call on the church as we are allowed to license and ordain men to the ministry. We hope to see you here.We realize with the Omicron Covid Virus, and the Flu, there are many ...  Read More
The Weekly Impact 1/13/22
by Andy Neal on January 13th, 2022
We understand with the Covid Virus, and the Flu, there are many not able to attend. If you are unable to attend in person, please join us online at 10:30 and listen to what God has to say to His church here at Temple. We are still watching for the right time to start back our full schedule on Wednesday nights. When that time comes we will have our Students gathering and beginning to hang out at 6...  Read More
The Weekly Impact 1/6/22
by Andy Neal on January 6th, 2022
We want to encourage you to join with us as we read through the book of Proverbs during the month of January. If you didn’t get started with us on the 1st, then join in today with us on chapter 6 and keep reading with us.  As we experience life God has daily wisdom available to us for the things we will face.  A lot of that wisdom can be found in the book of Proverbs. This Sunday we will resume ou...  Read More
The Weekly Impact 12/30/21
by Andy Neal on December 29th, 2021
As we enter this New Year, we know that it is good to start it off in the Word of God.  With every new year there will be new challenges, new problems, and new victories; and a great place to find wisdom and encouragement is in the book of Proverbs, so we want to encourage you to read a chapter a day through the month of January.  We will be posting thoughts on different chapters throughout the mo...  Read More
The Weekly Impact 12/23/21
by Andy Neal on December 23rd, 2021
As you gather with family and friends on Christmas Eve, we would love to be a part of your festivities.  We won’t show up in person(!) but have put together a video that you can watch and share on Christmas Eve with family and friends.  It is not long, it is all about the Christmas Story that we get to share, and it is something that you can tune into at anytime that evening.  It will go live at 5...  Read More