The Weekly Impact 3/31/2022
Easter is Almost Here!
Who Are you planning to invite to church that Sunday?
D’Now 2022– Discipleship weekend
for our students (7th-12th grade)
Friday night our 2022 D’Now kicks off here at the church at 6. If you have a student in jr high or high school we would love for them to join us for the weekend. Cost is $20 for all the fun involved. If you need more information contact Jonathan (870-243-2467), Cole (870-931-6565), or Peyton (870-926-9047). This event starts Friday night and goes through Sunday morning service.
Current Series: Lessons from the Life of a King
This Sunday we will be finishing up our series on Lessons from the Life of a King.
As we looked last week, Satan comes along and tries to keep us from moving in God’s direction. If he cannot paralyze us with fear, then he will move to other tactics, including pride.
Why is pride such a wicked foe? Invite someone to come with you and find out Sunday.
We hope to see you Sunday at 9:00 or 10:30 am.
As we looked last week, Satan comes along and tries to keep us from moving in God’s direction. If he cannot paralyze us with fear, then he will move to other tactics, including pride.
Why is pride such a wicked foe? Invite someone to come with you and find out Sunday.
We hope to see you Sunday at 9:00 or 10:30 am.
Join Us in Reading in the Word Together
The Months of April/May: Genesis
Monthly Prayer Gathering
We are meeting once a month for the purpose of praying over Temple and what God wants us to be about and what He wants us to be doing. This Saturday we will meet to pray into the month of April and all the things we already believe we are to be doing; and then asking God to reveal to us what else we need to be setting our hearts to this year. This will be taking place while the students are at the church building for D'Now so we will also have the privilege of praying for what God is doing this weekend here at Temple.
Please join us for this night of prayer.
Please join us for this night of prayer.
Reading & Prescription Glasses
We are gathering reading and prescription glasses to take to Zambia to be able to bless those in the villages who need glasses but have no way to get what they need. If you have unused glasses laying around your house, please bring them and drop them off in the box in our foyer. We do ask that you only bring glasses that are in tact and able to be worn without repair.
Look What’s Coming Up
- April 1-3 - D'NOW - Student Ministry
- April 9 - Work Day - Deep Spring Cleaning at the church building
- April 13 - Preparing Our Hearts for Easter/Family Worship Event @ 6:30
- April 16 – Community/Family Pancake breakfast
- April 17 - Easter
- May 1 - Night for the Nations
- May 8 – Baby Dedication