The Weekly Impact 5/26/2022
Memorial Day Weekend!
This Sunday we will only have one service at 9am. The service will be on Facebook live, YouTube, and our app if you are not able to be here. We hope you enjoy your 3-day weekend and remember the men and women who gave their lives in fighting for these freedoms we enjoy. If you know a family that has lost someone in battle reach out to them and let them know you are thinking about them and praying for them.
Clothes Closet needs
Our clothes closet is in need of children’s clothing. As you clear out closets, and as your kids move on to the next size, please consider bringing your children’s clothes, that are in good shape, to the clothes closet so we can bless other families through this outreach of our church. We hope to have plenty of good to new clothing to be able to share in August as families get ready to send their kids back to school.
Church Family Meeting June 5th at 5:00
Wednesday Nights this Summer…
Starting next Wednesday (June 1st)…we are going to be watching and discussing The Chosen series. This is a streaming television series about the Life of Jesus produced by Dallas Jenkins (son of Jerry Jenkins author of the Left Behind series). There are 8 episodes in the first season that will take us through the summer. We will watch an episode and then take some time at the end to discuss the historical truth and how Jesus not only changed the lives of those over 2,000 years ago, but how His life here on earth also changes ours.
We do need your help in getting ready for this summer. If you are planning to attend Wednesday nights this summer please sign up in the foyer at the church or email us at and let us know you will be attending. If you will be bringing kids with you, please let us know how many. This will help us have enough resources for you and enough workers to help lead our kids this summer.
We do need your help in getting ready for this summer. If you are planning to attend Wednesday nights this summer please sign up in the foyer at the church or email us at and let us know you will be attending. If you will be bringing kids with you, please let us know how many. This will help us have enough resources for you and enough workers to help lead our kids this summer.
Volunteers needed
This Summer we would like to do a music camp for our elementary and preschool age kids.
This would be a week of fun filled days of learning a few songs to share the following Sunday, providing lunch and snacks, and then fun activities and lessons. In order for us to be able to offer this for our kids we need volunteers to help with music, with food, with trips to nearby activities, and with the fun to be had here at the church. If you are able to help with this one day, all days, in the afternoons, the mornings, etc… please let us know. You can email us at and let us know what your schedule will allow. The dates we are looking to do this are June 20-24.
This would be a week of fun filled days of learning a few songs to share the following Sunday, providing lunch and snacks, and then fun activities and lessons. In order for us to be able to offer this for our kids we need volunteers to help with music, with food, with trips to nearby activities, and with the fun to be had here at the church. If you are able to help with this one day, all days, in the afternoons, the mornings, etc… please let us know. You can email us at and let us know what your schedule will allow. The dates we are looking to do this are June 20-24.
Family Worship Challenge!
Last night we shared with our young families how to have a family worship time in your home. If you were not able to attend, please contact Jonathan and find out how to get the book we handed out and also receive information on how we want to encourage you to lead your family well through the summer. There will be two more gathering for encouraging you in this endeavor this summer: June 29th and August 3rd.
Don’t Forget about Glasses for Zambia…
Look What’s Coming Up
- May 8 – June 19 – Change for Life to support Options on Main. (Be sure to grab a baby bottle this Sunday to collect your change in during this fund-raiser.)
- May 29 – Memorial Day Weekend - One service at 9am (This will also Quill’s last Sunday on staff. Even though he and Sharon will not be able to be at the service with their travels raising support, I do encourage you to reach out to them and let them know how much they have meant to you, that you are praying for them, and see if there is anything else you can do for them before they move to Zambia. Hopefully they will be able to drop in a few times during the summer, and then on July 24th Quill will be preaching for us and we will have the opportunity to pray over them as they move to Zambia.)
- June 5 – Church Family Meeting at 5pm. Sharing the vision of moving through a season of transition for us as a church.
- June 13-19 – StudentLife Camp (grades 7-12)
- July 11-14 - VBS Decorating
- July 17-20 - Vacation Bible School
- July 25-29 – Middle School Camp (grades 4-6)
- July 26 – August 6 – Zambia Trip
- August 21 - 50 years celebration of our church