The Weekly Impact 5/19/2022
Grad Sunday!
This Sunday we will be honoring our graduating seniors (along with our kindergarten and 6th grade grads, and those graduating with college degrees).
Following the 10:30 service we will have a church-wide fellowship for us to be able to enjoy a meal together and an opportunity to get to know these graduates even more.
Following the 10:30 service we will have a church-wide fellowship for us to be able to enjoy a meal together and an opportunity to get to know these graduates even more.
Wednesday Nights this Summer…
…we are going to be watching and discussing The Chosen series. This is a streaming television series about the Life of Jesus produced by Dallas Jenkins (son of Jerry Jenkins author of the Left Behind series). There are 8 episodes in the first season that will take us through the summer. We will watch an episode and then take some time at the end to discuss the historical truth and how Jesus not only changed the lives of those over 2,000 years ago, but how His life here on earth also changes ours.
We do need your help in getting ready for this summer. If you are planning to attend Wednesday nights this summer please email us at and let us know you will be attending.
If you will be bringing kids with you please let us know how many.
This will help us have enough resources for you and enough workers to help lead our kids this summer.
We do need your help in getting ready for this summer. If you are planning to attend Wednesday nights this summer please email us at and let us know you will be attending.
If you will be bringing kids with you please let us know how many.
This will help us have enough resources for you and enough workers to help lead our kids this summer.
Family Worship Challenge!
At Temple, we want to do our part in the great commission as we make disciples of all nations. This summer there are many opportunities and resources for us to do just that. So, I would like to invite all of our families with elementary age kids to begin healthy intentional rhythms of discipleship in the home. (If your kids are older, younger, or you don't have children in the home at all we do have different things coming for you.) The resource we have for you is something that any parent with the ability to read will be able to use. Wednesday, May 25th at 6:30pm we are going to have a family worship time where we will take you through each step of how these family worship times can go. During this time your kids will also be in there so we will keep our time together short. In order for our kids to see the truth of how all encompassing faith in Jesus is, we must begin to be an example in our daily lives. I am inviting you to walk together as we change the world by regularly taking our children to throne room. There will be a mid summer cookout, and an end of summer gathering for us to spend some time together as a whole and be encouraged as a church family. These dates are June 29th and August 3rd. I hope to see you all this Wednesday with your whole family!
Don’t Forget about Glasses for Zambia…
Look What’s Coming Up
May 8 – June 19 – Change for Life to support Options on Main. (Be sure to grab a baby bottle this Sunday to collect your change in during this fund-raiser.)
May 29 – Memorial Day Weekend - One service at 9am
(This will also Quill’s last Sunday on staff. Even though he and Sharon will not be able to be at the service with their travels raising support, I do encourage you to reach out to them and let them know how much they have meant to you, that you are praying for them, and see if there is anything else you can do for them before they move to Zambia.)
June 13-19 – StudentLife Camp (grades 7-12)
July 11-14 - VBS Decorating
July 17-20 - Vacation Bible School
July 25-29 – Middle School Camp (grades 4-6)
July 26 – August 6 – Zambia Trip
May 29 – Memorial Day Weekend - One service at 9am
(This will also Quill’s last Sunday on staff. Even though he and Sharon will not be able to be at the service with their travels raising support, I do encourage you to reach out to them and let them know how much they have meant to you, that you are praying for them, and see if there is anything else you can do for them before they move to Zambia.)
June 13-19 – StudentLife Camp (grades 7-12)
July 11-14 - VBS Decorating
July 17-20 - Vacation Bible School
July 25-29 – Middle School Camp (grades 4-6)
July 26 – August 6 – Zambia Trip