The Weekly Impact 5/12/2022

Revealed Series continues this Sunday

As we read through the book of Genesis together, I hope you have been reading where
God revealed Himself time and time again to the men and women found in the pages
of the first book of the Bible.  This Sunday we will be looking in on Jacob’s story
and how God meet him on his journey, gave him a promise, and saw it through.
That is not all God did for Jacob, but I guess you will have to be here Sunday to hear more!
We will see you at 9:00 and/or 10:30.

Tyler Morgan has a new job!

In case you have not heard, or read… Tyler Morgan has accepted a job at the company
“The Solutions Group” that he has been moonlighting with for almost two years.
(they wanted him fulltime but thankfully he didn’t want to give up being a part of this staff here at Temple, even if on a smaller role) With this new opportunity he will be reducing his hours here at the church (going from 30 down to around 10). We are excited for this new opportunity for him, but also know that we will feel the effects of not having him here in the office near as much.  Be praying for this new venture for Tyler, and be patient as we figure out the details with the responsibilities that will have to be re-distributed.

Grad Sunday!

On May 22nd we will be honoring our graduating seniors (along with our kindergarten and 6th grade grads, and those graduating with college degrees). If you have a student who is graduating at one of these levels, we need your help.  We need a recent pic, what school they attend and what school they plan to attend at the next level, and if graduating senior or college graduate what their plans are following graduation. We need this information by Monday, May 16th. Following the 10:30 service we will have a church-wide fellowship for us to be able to enjoy a meal together and an opportunity to get to know these graduates even more.  Please be watching for a listing of what you can bring to help out with this fellowship.

Look What’s Coming Up

  • May 8 – June 19 Change for Life to support Options on Main. (Be sure to grab a baby bottle this Sunday to collect your change during this fund-raiser.)
  • May 22Grad Sunday
  • May 29Memorial Day Weekend - One service at 9am. (This will also Quill’s last Sunday on staff. Even though he and Sharon will not be able to be at the service with their travels raising support, I do encourage you to reach out to them and let them know how much they have meant to you, that you are praying for them, and see if there is anything else you can do for them before they move to Zambia.)
  • June 13-19 – StudentLife Camp (grades 7-12)
  • July 11-14 - VBS Decorating
  • July 17-20 - Vacation Bible School
  • July 25-29 – Middle School Camp (grades 4-6)
  • July 26 – August 6 – Zambia Trip



