The Weekly Impact 3/24/2022
Current Series:
Lessons from the Life of a King
There is a lot we can learn from the Kings of Israel. As we continue our look into the life and leading of King Hezekiah, we find that Satan wanted to thwart what God was doing through this godly King. Satan wants to do the same thing to each one of us when we are faithfully following God. What kind of scare tactics might he use in our lives, and how do we place our faith over those fears? Invite someone to come with you.
We hope to see you Sunday at 9:00 or 10:30 am.
We hope to see you Sunday at 9:00 or 10:30 am.
If you are Reading the Word Together with us (trying for a chapter a day) this last week we finished John and started into I, II, & III John; and we will roll into the book of Jude this coming week as we finish out the month of March. Be watching in next week's Weekly Impact for where we will be reading next.
Closer Look – This Sunday at Noon…
If you are new to Temple and want to know more about us or how to get connected, we hope you will attend “Closer Look" this Sunday, March 27th. Immediately following the 10:30 service, we will gather together, provide lunch and childcare, and share more about Temple, who we are, and what God has called us to do in the church, the community, and around the world.
If you're interested in attending, visit our app or website to sign up! This isn't necessary for attendance, but it helps us get an idea of how many people to expect.
If you're interested in attending, visit our app or website to sign up! This isn't necessary for attendance, but it helps us get an idea of how many people to expect.
Monthly Prayer
We are meeting once a month for the purpose of praying over Temple and what God wants us to be about and to be doing. This Saturday we will meet to pray into the month of April and all that we already know we are to be doing, and then asking God to reveal to us what else we need to be setting our hearts to this year. Please join us for this night of prayer.
Easter is Almost Here!
Who Are you planning to invite to church that Sunday?
Look What's Coming Up
- March 26 - Work Day - Repairs at the church building
- March 27 - Closer Look
- April 1-3 - D'NOW - Student Ministry
- April 9 - Work Day - Deep Spring Cleaning at the church building
- April 13 - Preparing Our Hearts for Easter
- April 16 – Community Family Pancake breakfast
- April 17 - Easter
- May 1 - Night for the Nations