Weekly Impact 8/19/21

Debt Elimination Offering!

We want to remind you that this Sunday is the day to bring the money you have set aside for our debt elimination offering.  Everything given this Sunday (unless specified) will go to our indebtedness, that includes tithes and offerings this Sunday.  You can give through the offering box or by giving through our app or website. It is also possible to give by the transfer of stocks and investments. Contact the church office if you would like more information on this last option. As we continue to move in God’s direction, let’s be faithful as individuals, families, and a church, to be good stewards of the resources He entrusts to us, and to live as best we can without being in debt to others.

Church’s 49th birthday!

This weekend marks the 49th year that Temple Baptist Church has been in existence. For some that seems like a long time, and for some we know of churches that are over 100 years old.  Either way, what we want is to honor those who had the vision to start this church, and to carry on that vision of reaching people with the Good News found in Jesus.  In 2019 we set a few goals we wanted to see accomplished by the time the church turned 50.  Those goals were: to see 200 new followers of Christ, to see 20 new small groups started, and to start two churches.  2020 and the pandemic may have slowed us down, but we still have time to see these goals become a reality. It will take all of us faithfully praying, investing in the lives of people around us, sharing the Gospel, and helping people get connected here at Temple to reach these goals.  How will God use you to see these goals accomplished? Be watching and listening over the next few months as we take steps toward seeing these goals become reality.

Back to school impact.

We want to be a part of impacting this school year in a positive way, and we feel that gift cards for our teachers, admin, and school workers would be a great way to encourage them as they love and teach the children of our community.  We believe that when these educational professionals feel encouraged, it will benefit the students that they work with.  If you have not brought your gift cards to love and encourage teachers, please do so by the end of this month so we can give them a boost as September rolls around. Some places to keep in mind would be Shadrachs, Sonic, or the like; or Walmart, Target, or Office Max.  We will be distributing these cards to our school professionals as we try to encourage and help them with another COVID affected school year.  I hope you know, the best thing we can do for each of them is to pray for them and to ask God to use them and protect them this school year.

This Wednesday Night 8/25

We hope our Wednesday Nights will be able to be back to full life this coming week. (We are trying to pay attention to the virus and any changes we may need to make for the safety of our church family, our kids, and our community.) Here is the schedule for Wednesday:
Kids’ classes | 6:15 – 7:30pm
Students (7th-12th grade) | 6:00-8:00pm
Adults | 6:30-7:30pm 
The following classes will be offered for adults:
1) Discipleship 101 led by Pastor Quill
2) Doing Finances God’s Way led by Pastor Andy
3) Our main Wednesday night study will be focusing on a Tour of Israel led by Thomas Priest
4) Study on Revelation (11 weeks in the fall and 11 weeks in the spring) led by Jimmy Shehorn
5) There is also a small group that meets on Wednesday night at this same time led by Kent Bridger



