Weekly Impact 8/26/21

This Sunday!

We will be finishing our current series “Investing In You”.  You do not want to miss this last message in the series as Pastor Andy shows us where the blessing of the investment come from. 
We will also be having our annual ballot on budget, church officers & trustees, and our impact team members. Just for clarification…we WILL NOT be voting on issues dealing with the land this Sunday. That conversation will be continued on Sunday Night (September 12th) following the kickoff of our fall church-wide study.

Looking to September

We know September 6th is Labor Day and it will be many families last weekend at the lake before the fall schedule really settles in. However, we will be having church that Sunday (5th)! We will have one united service at 10:30.
On September 12th we will kick off our fall church-wide study on prayer.  We will have a guest speaker, Bill Elliff, that Sunday morning; and he will also be here that evening at 5:00 as we begin the study “Prayer with no Intermission”. All small groups are encouraged to gather on this night in the worship center to start this study all together.  The following weeks, as we continue the study, we will be back to your normal times and locations, but we do want everyone together to kick it off.  If you do not currently have a small group, this will be a great night to come in and find a group to try out and journey with us over the next 6 weeks as we allow Jesus to “teach us to pray”.

Debt Elimination Offering

We cannot wait to share with you this Sunday about our debt elimination offering from this past Sunday.  We know that some of you were out of town, and/or have not been able to bring your offering for this opportunity.  We would encourage you to bring it with you this Sunday, or to go online or on the app and give it today.

Back to School Impact

If you are wanting to help us bless our teachers, administrators, and school workers as this school year kicks off, please try to have your gift cards to the church by this Wednesday night.  You can hand them to anyone on staff or you can drop them in the offering boxes in the worship center.

Wednesday nights got off to a great start.

If you were not able to attend this past week, please plan now to attend this coming Wednesday night.  Our leaders are ready for your kids and students, and our adult classes had a great start.  It is not too late to join in on these groups.  We will have two other opportunities starting in September: 1) small group led by Kent & Jami Bridger, 2) women’s group led by Rhonda McNabb.  These two groups will start on September 8th at 6:30. For more information on these groups or one of the other four contact Quill. The other classes are: Discipleship 101, Doing Finances God’s Way, Tour of Israel, and Revelation.
The Wednesday Night Schedule is as follows:
Students (7th-12th grade) | 6:00-8:00pm
Kids’ classes | 6:15 – 7:30pm
Adults | 6:30-7:30pm  



