Weekly Impact 9/2/21
New Sermon this Sunday

Can dry bones live?
Ezekiel had a tough job… ministering to people who had rejected God and then watch them as they suffered the consequences for their choices. These same people that had rejected God and His truths were eager to blame God for their circumstances. “It’s not fair!” they argued. Ezekiel told the Israelites, God’s chosen people, that they were to blame, not God and their faithlessness had provoked God’s wrath. The people were getting what they deserved. “I take no pleasure in anyone’s death,” God said. “So repent and live!” (Ezekiel 18:32).
God gave Ezekiel a vision. In this vision, God showed Ezekiel a valley of dry bones. The bones represented Israel. Ezekiel prophesied that God would put tendons, flesh, and skin on the bones. He would put breath in them so they would come to life.
Ezekiel encouraged the Israelites and reminded them that, apart from God, they were dead, but God was offering them life. He would and could restore their future. “My dwelling place will be with them,” God said. “I will be their God, and they will be My people” (Ezekiel 37:27).
We too are dead in our sin. (Ephesians 2:1) Sin separates us from God because He is holy. We are apart from God’s presence, but God does not delight in our death. He is patient and wants us to repent and live!
Hundreds of years after Ezekiel died, God’s presence came to His people through Jesus Christ, Immanuel—meaning, “God with us.” Jesus is the source of life; He offers us living water. (John 4:10,14) If we do not drink of it, we will become like the dry bones, dead and useless to everyone.
Jesus did not come into this world to make bad people good. He came into this world to make dead people alive. God saves us by grace, making us alive with Christ through the Holy Spirit. (Ephesians 2:4-5)
Join with us this Sunday morning as we take a deeper dive into Ezekiel 37 and examine what God can do with our dry, dead bones.
Ezekiel had a tough job… ministering to people who had rejected God and then watch them as they suffered the consequences for their choices. These same people that had rejected God and His truths were eager to blame God for their circumstances. “It’s not fair!” they argued. Ezekiel told the Israelites, God’s chosen people, that they were to blame, not God and their faithlessness had provoked God’s wrath. The people were getting what they deserved. “I take no pleasure in anyone’s death,” God said. “So repent and live!” (Ezekiel 18:32).
God gave Ezekiel a vision. In this vision, God showed Ezekiel a valley of dry bones. The bones represented Israel. Ezekiel prophesied that God would put tendons, flesh, and skin on the bones. He would put breath in them so they would come to life.
Ezekiel encouraged the Israelites and reminded them that, apart from God, they were dead, but God was offering them life. He would and could restore their future. “My dwelling place will be with them,” God said. “I will be their God, and they will be My people” (Ezekiel 37:27).
We too are dead in our sin. (Ephesians 2:1) Sin separates us from God because He is holy. We are apart from God’s presence, but God does not delight in our death. He is patient and wants us to repent and live!
Hundreds of years after Ezekiel died, God’s presence came to His people through Jesus Christ, Immanuel—meaning, “God with us.” Jesus is the source of life; He offers us living water. (John 4:10,14) If we do not drink of it, we will become like the dry bones, dead and useless to everyone.
Jesus did not come into this world to make bad people good. He came into this world to make dead people alive. God saves us by grace, making us alive with Christ through the Holy Spirit. (Ephesians 2:4-5)
Join with us this Sunday morning as we take a deeper dive into Ezekiel 37 and examine what God can do with our dry, dead bones.
Only one Service on Sunday
This Sunday we will only be having one Service at 10:30am. Make sure to join us at 2834 Race St, and if you can't make it to our building, check us out live at 10:30 on Facebook, Youtube, or our app/website.
A Great Ministry Opportunity
This year several churches in Jonesboro are teaming up to make an impact across the globe by investing in the international students right here at Arkansas State University. Temple has decided to be a part of this missionary program. The goal for this program is to connect every international exchange student with a host family who knows Jesus. In order to be a host family you would be paired with one student and spend face to face time with them once/month at a minimum, and contact them each week. There is a kick-off dinner at the BCM at ASU on September 17th at 7pm. They will offer a training for anyone who would like it at 6pm before the dinner. This training will just give you some insight into international customs and social relationships. There will be students from all over the world there. Here is a link you can use to sign up if you are ready to be a part of engaging our campus and the rest of the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. If you have any questions please email Jonathan at jonathan@templejonesboro.com, or call/text at 8702432467.
If you cannot make the dinner you can still participate in the program.
If you cannot make the dinner you can still participate in the program.
Looking to September
On September 12th we will kick off our fall church-wide study on prayer. We will have a guest speaker, Bill Elliff, that Sunday morning; and he will also be here that evening at 5:00 as we begin the study “Prayer with no Intermission”. All small groups are encouraged to gather on this night in the worship center to start this study all together. The following weeks, as we continue the study, we will be back to your normal times and locations, but we do want everyone together to kick it off. If you do not currently have a small group, this will be a great night to come in and find a group to try out and journey with us over the next 6 weeks as we allow Jesus to “teach us to pray”.