Weekly Impact 9/23/21

New Series: How’s Your Prayer Life

I know we said this last week…however, we do feel that God is allowing us to kick off the new series on the prayer life of Jonah, and the other people listed in his writings, this Sunday! The beginning of a new series is a great time to invite someone new to church.  Maybe they came with you last week, encourage them to come again.  Maybe they didn’t make it last week, call them up and see if this weekend will work for them to be your guest!

Prayer with No Intermission

We are about 11 days into our 40 days to Unceasing Prayer personal studies.  We hope this daily interaction with God's Word and Prayer has drawn you closer to your Heavenly Father and is helping you hear more clearly from Him. One thing that will help during this 40 days is to be involved in a small group. If you are not already in a group please give one of the pastors a call to find out where you can get connected, or talk with Andy, Quill, or Jonathan this Sunday.

Upcoming Outreach

October 31st falls on a Sunday this year, and we want to help provide and fun and safe place for kids to be that night. We will be setting up bounce houses, inflatable games, and some carnival type fun.  There will be food and a lot of laughter.  We believe this will be the place to be October 31st.  Make plans to be here and to bring your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers with you. 5:00 to 7:00.

Come Tailgate with us!

Our college ministry Mosaic will be tailgating on October 7th for our next at home ASU Football game, and would like to extend an invitation to all of you! If you would like to come eat, play games, and get to know some college students, we'd love for you to join us in front of Centennial Bank Stadium on Oct. 7th at 4:30.



