Weekly Impact 9/30/21

Update from Pastor Quill

s most of you have heard last week during the service, Sharon and I are answering the call to become missionaries to Zambia, Africa. As we visited Zambia earlier this year, we witnessed such a need and desire for the message of hope that can only be attained through Jesus Christ. We also saw the need of the new believers from the villages that need to be discipled. My call to missions did not happen this year but many years earlier on a visit to Romania. In 2004, I began praying to God and asking for Him to allow me to make this transition. I never received a yes or a no but what seemed like a “not yet”. 

During my recent visit to Zambia, I finally heard God clearly tell me “Yes, now is the time, and here is where I want you”. I didn’t share this right away with anyone, including Sharon. Then, on the last days of our trip, my wife came to me and said she felt like God was calling us to serve in Zambia. I was overwhelmed with emotion but told her to wait until we were home for a couple weeks. I have witnessed so many people experience the “emotional high” from missions’ trips and church camp and wanted to ensure that this wasn’t an emotional calling on her part but the same clear voice I heard. 

This calling to Zambia has only grown and become clearer to both of us. Sharon and I are anxiously awaiting the time we can once again be reunited with the people who God has called us to serve. As we prepare to make this move in June of 2022, we still have a love, desire, and a heart to minister here at Temple and are excited to see how God moves during this next 9 months in the hearts and lives of the people here. Temple has and will always be our church home and words cannot begin to express how much everyone will be missed when we transition from Jonesboro, Arkansas to Livingstone, Zambia, Africa. We would ask that you would continue to daily pray for us and the people of Zambia.  

Fall Festival Incoming!

This Halloween we will be celebrating with a Fall Festival from 5-7pm right here at Temple! We will have Food, Games, Inflatables, a dunk tank, bonfire, and more! We hope you'll take some time to join us, and invite your friends. We will also need some help to make this possible, so stay tuned because we will be reaching out soon to let people know how they can help make this Fall Fextival as great as it can be.

Come Tailgate with us!

Our college ministry Mosaic will be tailgating on October 7th for our next at home ASU Football game, and would like to extend an invitation to all of you! If you would like to come eat, play games, and get to know some college students, we'd love for you to join us in front of Centennial Bank Stadium on Oct. 7th at 4:30.



