Weekly Impact 11/4/21

Next Outreach

We wanted to remind you, in the middle of the week, about the grocery list for the thanksgiving bags. We only have two Sundays to fill the stage and ready ourselves to bless our community on November 20th. Here is the list in case you did not get a bag:
2 cans green beans
1 large can sweet potatoes
2 cans corn
1 can cranberry sauce
1 box of boxed potatoes
1 box mac & cheese

New Series: Overwhelmed

I know all of us are feeling overwhelmed in one way or another. Maybe it is at the job, maybe it is in your home life, it might be finances, or it may be your hectic schedule…beginning to feel overwhelmed again. What if we are all running on fumes because we have not taken time to refuel. What if we have a pace that cannot be sustained, and we are beginning to feel the effects of burnout. In a recent trip to the doctor we were reminded that there are many professions that are experiencing burnout after the last year and a half.  So…what do you do? This Sunday we hope to begin speaking into this area of our lives. Bring someone with you to hear this message about how to combat the ever so easy place we find ourselves when we become OVERWHELMED.

Praying with No Intermission

We want to encourage each of you to keep praying for our church, and the wisdom to know what God has set for us to do. And be praying each week for God to move in the life of His church family and the guests who are coming to our weekend services and Wednesday groups.

Upcoming Events

As we continue through the end of 2021 and enter 2022, we have many upcoming events. Stay tuned to the weekly impact as well as our social media, push notifications, TMail and in-service announcements to hear more about some of these upcoming events:

Thanksgiving Community Meal • Nov. 20
Members Meeting • Nov 28
Deck the Halls (5pm)• Nov. 28
Children’s Christmas Program • Dec. 12
Temple Rewind 2021 • Late Dec.
"Mbangweta" - Zambia Documentary • Early 2022
Temple's 50th Year Celebration • Late 2022



