Weekly Impact 12/16/21

Gift for our Savior

This Sunday we get to bring “Our Gift for Our Savior” offerings together as an act of worship to our Savior. It is our opportunity to give back to Jesus on the celebration of His birth. We have been encouraging you to consider a monetary gift through the church, above and beyond your regular tithes and offerings, as a way of saying thank you to Jesus for coming to rescue us. The money received will be used to bless missionaries, provide Christmas bonuses for the staff, fund the remodeling of the bathrooms in the gym, enhance our Sunday morning worship experiences in house and through our livestream, help our ministries accomplish more as we look to: improve our children’s check-in process equipment, help our student ministry reach more kids in our schools and get them connected through weekend events during the year, and fund more opportunities for our college ministry to rent space at the college to have events on campus each month to reach more college students. Please be praying about what you might give to Jesus and get ready to be a part of this with your church family this Sunday at 9:00 and 10:30.

Candlelight Service | Dec. 22 | 6:00pm

Christmas Eve @ Home | 5pm

This will be a video you can catch on the app, facebook, or youtube, sent out by the pastors to encourage you and your family as you celebrate Jesus’ birth.

No Wednesday Night Classes Dec. 22

Prayer Nights in 2022

We are keeping this announcement each week to help you as you begin to plan for the new year. We will be adding a Saturday night prayer event once a month starting in 2022. This will take place the Saturday night before the first Sunday of each month, the first one taking place on January 1st. We will gather in the worship center to start in prayer together, and then we will invite people to spread out through the worship center and through the building to pray for the things that will be taking place in the worship services and ministries the next day as well as through that month. We believe God when He says, “you do not have because you do not ask” (James 4:2). Let’s begin to ask God to do greater things through His church here at Temple.
“The atmosphere of expectations is the breeding ground for miracles”.
-Rod Parsley

Upcoming Events

Candlelight Service • Dec. 22
One United Service | 10:30am • Dec. 26 & Jan 2
Prayer Night at 6:00 • Jan. 1
Temple Rewind 2021 • Jan. 2
"Mbangweta" - Zambia Documentary • Early 2022
Temple's 50th Year Celebration • Late 2022
Prayer Night at 6:00 • Jan. 1



