Weekly Impact 9/15/22

Weekly Impact 09/15/2022
It has been a joy to have both services together in worship! This Sunday we go back to 2 services to make room for more people this Fall! Whether you normally attend the early service at 9:00am or late service at 10:30am, invite someone to come with you this Sunday. We are continuing the series titled "Joy In The Journey". It is a privilege to be able to come together and hear the Word of God taught each week. See you Sunday.
New Adult Wednesday Night Classes
We are on Week 3 of our classes. If you have missed the first 2, you are welcome to join now.  
We are offering 3 new classes this semester from Sept-Nov. All of them are based around the habits and practices of Jesus. They are as follows:
How To Read Your Bible- Casey Spencer and Kyle Cook will be walking through the book of John teaching us to read and study our Bibles more effectively.
Prayer- Andy will be teaching us to pray the way Jesus taught us to.
Silence and Solitude- Jonathan Martin and Brian Morgan will be walking us through Jesus' habit of going to the desolate places in order to focus on the presence of God.
Everyone will rotate through each class in 4 week increments.
I hope you will consider joining one of these classes.
School Sponsorship
Fox Meadow Elementary Needs
3 ring binders- 50
Scissors- 50
Girls Leggings- Sizes 6-Adult XL
Upcoming events:
September 11- Back to 2 services at 9 and 10:30
September 18- Sermon series continues... Joy In The Journey
October 14- Food Pantry and Clothes Closet open at 9am.
October- Fall Festival
November- Thanksgiving Outreach

Clothes Closet Needs
Blankets and Throws are essential through the winter months.



